Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas
Australien / Western Australia / Pilbara / East Pilbara Shire / Nullagine / Otway Ni-Lagerstätte | ||
23km N von Nullagine |
Ni-Mineralisation in Archean serpentinisierten Peridotiten. |
WGS 84: Lat.: 21.73611111° S, Long: 120.07777778° E WGS 84: Lat.: 21° 44' 10" S, Long: 120° 4' 40" E Local weather information, Macrostrat geological map |
Mineralienatlas short URL |
https://www.mineralatlas.eu/?l=13630 |
Shortened path specification |
Otway Ni-Lagerstätte, Nullagine, East Pilbara Shire, Pilbara, Western Australia, AU |
Important: Before entering this or any other place of discovery you should have a permission of the operator and/or owner. Likewise it is to be respected that necessary safety precautions are kept during the visit. |
Other languages
German |
Otway Ni-Lagerstätte |
Australien / Western Australia / Pilbara / East Pilbara Shire / Nullagine / Otway Ni-Lagerstätte | |
Australia / Western Australia / Pilbara / East Pilbara Shire / Nullagine / Otway Ni-Lagerstätte |
Additional Functions
Mineral images (1 Images total)
Views (File: ): 1698
"Garnierit" Grüne kugelige Aggregate eines Nickelmineral, ursprünglich als "Cassidyit" etikettiert. Semiquantitative EDX ergab das Vorliegen eines Ni-Silikates, vermutlich Willemseit; BB 6mm. Fundort: Otwan Ni Deposit, Nullagine, Pilbara, Western Australia, Australien. Copyright: Yi S.; Contribution: sun-mineral Collection: Yi S. Location: Australien/Western Australia/Pilbara/East Pilbara Shire/Nullagine/Otway Ni-Lagerstätte Mineral: Garnierite Image: 1416760009 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
"Garnierit" |
Grüne kugelige Aggregate eines Nickelmineral, ursprünglich als "Cassidyit" etikettiert. Semiquantitative EDX ergab das Vorliegen eines Ni-Silikates, vermutlich Willemseit; BB 6mm. Fundort: Otwan Ni... |
Collection: | Yi S. |
Copyright: | Yi S. |
Contribution: sun-mineral 2014-11-23 |
More | MF |
Minerals (Count: 21)
Rocks (Count: 3)
Reference- and Source indication, Literature
GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) | iIRQ-ycnykGXzkCQ3GGEQA |
GUID (Global unique identifier) | FB508488-2727-41CA-97CE-4090DC618440 |
Database ID | 13630 |