Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas
Beitrag und Bilder wurden mit freundlicher Genehmigung von eingefügt. Herzlichen Dank |
Contribution and pictures were inserted with friendly permission of Thank you very much |
Pictures (200 Images total)
Views (File: ): 356
Silber Größe: 2,5 x 2,0 x 1,7 cm, Fundort: Bermead Mine, James Township, Elk Lake Area, Cobalt-Gowganda-Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Kanada Copyright: Maggie Wilson; Contribution: thdun5 Location: Kanada/Ontario/Timiskaming District/Cobalt-Gowganda-Region/Elk Lake Area/James Township/Bermead Mine Mineral: Silver Image: 1506806380 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Silber |
Größe: 2,5 x 2,0 x 1,7 cm, Fundort: Bermead Mine, James Township, Elk Lake Area, Cobalt-Gowganda-Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Kanada |
Copyright: | Maggie Wilson |
Contribution: thdun5 2017-09-30 |
More | MF |
Views (File: ): 343
Malachit Malachit mit etwas Azurit, Größe: 3,0 x 2,3 x 1,5 cm, Fundort: Bermead Mine, James Township, Elk Lake Area, Cobalt-Gowganda-Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Kanada Copyright: Maggie Wilson; Contribution: thdun5 Location: Kanada/Ontario/Timiskaming District/Cobalt-Gowganda-Region/Elk Lake Area/James Township/Bermead Mine Mineral: Malachite Image: 1506806248 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Malachit |
Malachit mit etwas Azurit, Größe: 3,0 x 2,3 x 1,5 cm, Fundort: Bermead Mine, James Township, Elk Lake Area, Cobalt-Gowganda-Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Kanada |
Copyright: | Maggie Wilson |
Contribution: thdun5 2017-09-30 |
More | MF |
Views (File: ): 445
Huntilith, Dolomit Größe: 6.5 x 3.8 x 0.5 cm; Fundort: Silver Islet mine, Silver Islet, Sibley Township, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, Canada Copyright: Maggie Wilson; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: Kanada/Ontario/Thunder Bay District/Unorganized Thunder Bay District/Silver Islet/Silver Islet/Silver Islet Mine Mineral: Huntilite Image: 1495726895 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Huntilith, Dolomit |
Größe: 6.5 x 3.8 x 0.5 cm; Fundort: Silver Islet mine, Silver Islet, Sibley Township, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, Canada |
Copyright: | Maggie Wilson |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2017-05-25 |
More | MF |
Views (File: ): 287
Topas - Tanakamiyama Topas von Tanokamiyama, Japan; Größe: 1,5x1,5 cm Copyright: Maggie Wilson; Contribution: Collector Image: 1494852855 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Topas - Tanakamiyama |
Topas von Tanokamiyama, Japan; |
Copyright: | Maggie Wilson |
Contribution: Collector 2017-05-15 |
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Views (File: ): 413
Calcit Größe: 40x40x15 mm; Fundort: Cantung Mine, Tungsten, Northwest Territories, Kanada Copyright: Maggie Wilson; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: Kanada/Nordwest-Territorien (Northwest Territories)/Tungsten/Cantung Mine Mineral: Calcite Image: 1451561434 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Calcit |
Größe: 40x40x15 mm; Fundort: Cantung Mine, Tungsten, Northwest Territories, Kanada |
Copyright: | Maggie Wilson |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2015-12-31 |
More | MF |
Views (File: ): 448
Barrerit, Calcit Barrerit xx auf Calcit; Größe: 80x60x35 mm; Fundort: Cantung Mine, Tungsten, Northwest Territories, Kanada Copyright: Maggie Wilson; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: Kanada/Nordwest-Territorien (Northwest Territories)/Tungsten/Cantung Mine Mineral: Barrerite, Calcite Image: 1451561380 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Barrerit, Calcit |
Barrerit xx auf Calcit; Größe: 80x60x35 mm; Fundort: Cantung Mine, Tungsten, Northwest Territories, Kanada |
Copyright: | Maggie Wilson |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2015-12-31 |
More | MF |
Views (File: ): 328
Barrerit Barrerit xx auf Calcit; Größe: 25x25x10 mm; Fundort: Cantung Mine, Tungsten, Northwest Territories, Kanada Copyright: Maggie Wilson; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: Kanada/Nordwest-Territorien (Northwest Territories)/Tungsten/Cantung Mine Mineral: Barrerite Image: 1451561351 Rating: 6 (votes: 1) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Barrerit |
Barrerit xx auf Calcit; Größe: 25x25x10 mm; Fundort: Cantung Mine, Tungsten, Northwest Territories, Kanada |
Copyright: | Maggie Wilson |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2015-12-31 |
More | MF |
Views (File: ): 309
Galenit Größe: 27x20x15 mm; Fundort: Lead Cove, Port au Port-Stephenville District, Neufundland, Kanada Copyright: Maggie Wilson; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: Kanada/Neufundland und Labrador/Neufundland/Stephenville - Port au Port District/Lead Cove Mineral: Galena Image: 1451482869 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Galenit |
Größe: 27x20x15 mm; Fundort: Lead Cove, Port au Port-Stephenville District, Neufundland, Kanada |
Copyright: | Maggie Wilson |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2015-12-30 |
More | MF |
Views (File: ): 1757
Nickelskutterudit Bildbreite: 1,5 cm, Fundort: Schacht 371, Schlema, Erzgebirge, Sachsen, Deutschland Copyright: Maggie Wilson; Contribution: thdun5 Location: Deutschland/Sachsen/Erzgebirgskreis/Lagerstätte Schlema-Alberoda/Schacht 371 Mineral: Nickelskutterudite Image: 1441027819 Rating: 8 (votes: 1) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Nickelskutterudit |
Bildbreite: 1,5 cm, Fundort: Schacht 371, Schlema, Erzgebirge, Sachsen, Deutschland |
Copyright: | Maggie Wilson |
Contribution: thdun5 2015-08-31 |
More | MF |