
Travis Olds

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"Travis Olds"



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Pictures (31 Images total)

Views (File:
): 583
Bladed yellow-green natromarkeyite from the Markey mine. Its structure is related to markeyite, where 2 Na replace 1 Ca and 1 H2O group; Locality: Markey Mine, Red Canyon, White Canyon Mining District, San Juan Co., Utah, USA; Fov: 1.3 mm;
Copyright: Travis Olds; Contribution: Stefan
Location: USA/Utah/San Juan Co./White Canyon District/Red Canyon/Markey Mine
Mineral: Natromarkeyite
Image: 1565261738
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Bladed yellow-green natromarkeyite from the Markey mine. Its structure is related to markeyite, where 2 Na replace 1 Ca and 1 H2O group; Locality: Markey Mine, Red Canyon, White Canyon Mining Distr...

Copyright: Travis Olds
Contribution: Stefan 2019-08-08
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Views (File:
): 677
Yellow green crystals of uroxite with steeply sloping terminations and rectangular cross section. Uroxite is the first reported uranyl oxalate mineral, where the source of oxalate likely originates from metabolism or decay of organic matter. Collected by myself and Tim Rose, 2018. Horizontal field of view is 1.7 mm; Locality: Burro Mine, Slick Rock District, San Miguel Co., Colorado, USA; Fov: 1.7 mm;
Copyright: Travis Olds; Contribution: Stefan
Location: USA/Colorado/San Miguel Co./Slick Rock District/Burro Mine
Mineral: Uroxite
Image: 1554366228
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Yellow green crystals of uroxite with steeply sloping terminations and rectangular cross section. Uroxite is the first reported uranyl oxalate mineral, where the source of oxalate likely originates...

Copyright: Travis Olds
Contribution: Stefan 2019-04-04
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Views (File:
): 1008
A tabular green crystal of paddlewheelite in a vug of dolomite and chalcopyrite. Collected by myself and Jakub Plá?il Sep 2016, shortly after the 500th anniversary of Jáchymov; The name was chosen to reflect its unique structure that contains fourling paddlewheel units built from uranyl tricarbonate clusters (see child photos). The paddlewheels have square pyramidal copper "axles," with a cubic calcium cation "gearbox."; Locality: Svornost Mine, Jáchymov, Jáchymov District, Karlovy Vary Region, Czech Republic; Fov: 1.7 mm;
Copyright: Travis Olds; Contribution: Stefan
Location: Tschechien/Karlsbad (Karlovarský kraj)/Karlsbad (Okres Karlovy Vary)/St. Joachimsthal (Jáchymov)/Einigkeit (Svornost)
Mineral: Paddlewheelite
Image: 1532383195
Rating: 10 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

A tabular green crystal of paddlewheelite in a vug of dolomite and chalcopyrite. Collected by myself and Jakub Plá?il Sep 2016, shortly after the 500th anniversary of Jáchymov; The name was chosen ...

Copyright: Travis Olds
Contribution: Stefan 2018-07-23
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Shinkolobweite, Fourmarierite, Rutherfordine
Views (File:
): 789
Shinkolobweite, Fourmarierite, Rutherfordine
Dark reddish brown blades of shinkolobweite (IMA 2016-095) coating massive uraninite with orange fourmarierite and pale rutherfordine. Horizontal field of view is 1 mm. The structure of shinkolobweite is modulated and contains pentavalent uranium which produces the deep color. The new mineral originates from a collection of some of the best Shinkolobwe mine specimens at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa which belonged to the late Bill Pinch; Locality: Shinkolobwe Mine, Shinkolobwe, Katanga Copper Crescent, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo; Fov: 1 mm;
Copyright: Travis Olds; Contribution: Stefan
Location: Demokratische Republik Kongo/Katanga (Shaba), Provinz/Ober-Katanga (Haut-Katanga), Distrikt/Shinkolobwe (Kasolo)/Shinkolobwe Mine (Kasolo Mine)
Mineral: Shinkolobweite
Image: 1493731555
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Shinkolobweite, Fourmarierite, Rutherfordine

Dark reddish brown blades of shinkolobweite (IMA 2016-095) coating massive uraninite with orange fourmarierite and pale rutherfordine. Horizontal field of view is 1 mm. The structure of shinkolobwe...

Copyright: Travis Olds
Contribution: Stefan 2017-05-02
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Uraninite, Kasolite, Gummite
Views (File:
): 518
Uraninite, Kasolite, Gummite
A 0.5 cm region of "gummite"; composed of bubbly uraninite and likely yellow-green kasolite or uranophane. Locality: Paulding Uranium prospect, Watersmeet, Gogebic Co., Michigan, USA;
Copyright: Travis Olds; Contribution: Stefan
Location: USA/Michigan/Gogebic Co./Watersmeet/Paulding Uranium prospect
Mineral: Uraninite
Image: 1475228838
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Uraninite, Kasolite, Gummite

A 0.5 cm region of "gummite"; composed of bubbly uraninite and likely yellow-green kasolite or uranophane. Locality: Paulding Uranium prospect, Watersmeet, Gogebic Co., Michigan, USA;

Copyright: Travis Olds
Contribution: Stefan 2016-09-30
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Wulfenite, Molybdenite
Views (File:
): 363
Wulfenite, Molybdenite
A 0.5 cm field of bright orange powdery uraniferous wulfenite (up to .22 atoms per formula unit U substituting for Pb) coating molybdenite and altered uraninite; Locality: Paulding Uranium prospect, Watersmeet, Gogebic Co., Michigan, USA;
Copyright: Travis Olds; Contribution: Stefan
Location: USA/Michigan/Gogebic Co./Watersmeet/Paulding Uranium prospect
Mineral: Wulfenite
Image: 1475228744
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Wulfenite, Molybdenite

A 0.5 cm field of bright orange powdery uraniferous wulfenite (up to .22 atoms per formula unit U substituting for Pb) coating molybdenite and altered uraninite; Locality: Paulding Uranium prospect...

Copyright: Travis Olds
Contribution: Stefan 2016-09-30
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Views (File:
): 326
An aesthetic vug of acicular uranophane crystals to 1 mm in amphibole gneiss from one of the most radioactive uranium prospects in Upper Michigan -- which is actually an exposure only ~2 feet long! Uranyl silicates like uranophane, sklodowskite, and kasolite are the dominant secondary U minerals but some incredibly unique phases are formed by alteration of molybdenite and leached radiogenic Pb. Vugs such as this one are incredibly rare as the U-silicates typically occur as ugly massive "gummite" coatings. EDS and Raman spectroscopy confirmed. Collected 2011. Locality: Paulding Uranium prospect, Watersmeet, Gogebic Co., Michigan, USA;
Copyright: Travis Olds; Contribution: Stefan
Location: USA/Michigan/Gogebic Co./Watersmeet/Paulding Uranium prospect
Mineral: Uranophane
Image: 1475228678
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

An aesthetic vug of acicular uranophane crystals to 1 mm in amphibole gneiss from one of the most radioactive uranium prospects in Upper Michigan -- which is actually an exposure only 2 feet long!...

Copyright: Travis Olds
Contribution: Stefan 2016-09-30
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Sklodowskite, Uranophane, Molybdenite
Views (File:
): 371
Sklodowskite, Uranophane, Molybdenite
A pale green field of massive to radiating sklodowskite and uranophane coating molybdenite and uraninite. At SEM level magnification the field turns into a web of thousands of thin fibrous crystals. EDS and Raman spectroscopy confirmed; Canon T3i w/ mirror lock engaged; EFS-60 and 49mm tube; FOV: 0.6 cm; Diffused dual fiber lighting; CombineZP: 12 images, pyramid do stack; Locality: Paulding Uranium prospect, Watersmeet, Gogebic Co., Michigan, USA;
Copyright: Travis Olds; Contribution: Stefan
Location: USA/Michigan/Gogebic Co./Watersmeet/Paulding Uranium prospect
Mineral: Sklodowskite
Image: 1475228570
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Sklodowskite, Uranophane, Molybdenite

A pale green field of massive to radiating sklodowskite and uranophane coating molybdenite and uraninite. At SEM level magnification the field turns into a web of thousands of thin fibrous crystals...

Copyright: Travis Olds
Contribution: Stefan 2016-09-30
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The prospect
Views (File:
): 203
The prospect
Interesting uranyl silicate and uranyl molybdate minerals can be found in a ~2 foot long mafic lens cutting gneiss. Taken 7/11/14; Locality: Paulding Uranium prospect, Watersmeet, Gogebic Co., Michigan, USA;
Copyright: Travis Olds; Contribution: Stefan
Location: USA/Michigan/Gogebic Co./Watersmeet/Paulding Uranium prospect
Image: 1475228392
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
The prospect

Interesting uranyl silicate and uranyl molybdate minerals can be found in a 2 foot long mafic lens cutting gneiss. Taken 7/11/14; Locality: Paulding Uranium prospect, Watersmeet, Gogebic Co., Mich...

Copyright: Travis Olds
Contribution: Stefan 2016-09-30
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