Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas
Indien | ||
Das Land hat riesengroße Vorräte an Glimmer, ist ein Weltexporteuer von Chrom und nimmt einen führenden Platz an Förderung und Vorräten von Mangan- und Eisenerzen sowie an Graphit und Beryllium ein. Große industrielle Bedeutung haben alluviale und küstennahe Meervorkommen von Titan und Zirkon. Indien hat fast ein Drittel von den Weltvorräten an Zirkon konzentriert. Mit der Titangewinnung belegt Indien einen Spitzenplatz in der Welt. Indien ist eine der wichtigsten metallogenen Weltprovinzen. Hier sind neben riesengroßen Lagerstätten von Eisen und Mangan, Chromiten, Nickel, Kobalt, Blei, Zink, Gold, Platin, Uran, sowie Asbest, Graphit und Dolomit konzentriert. Steinkohle ist unter den energetischen Bodenschätzen von größter Bedeutung. |
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https://www.mineralatlas.eu/?l=691 |
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IN |
Important: Before entering this or any other place of discovery you should have a permission of the operator and/or owner. Likewise it is to be respected that necessary safety precautions are kept during the visit. |
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Images from localities (39 Images total)
Views (File: ): 583
Ajantha Flutbasalt-Steinbrüche in den Dekkan Traps Copyright: Jürgen Tron; Contribution: Collector Location: Indien/Maharashtra/Aurangabad, Distrikt/Ajantha (Ajanta) Image: 1184749552 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Ajantha |
Flutbasalt-Steinbrüche in den Dekkan Traps |
Copyright: | Jürgen Tron |
Contribution: Collector 2007-07-18 |
Views (File: ): 459
Arbeiter beim Formatieren Stbr. Wagholi, Distrikt Pune, Maharashtra, Indien Copyright: Jürgen Tron; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: Indien/Maharashtra/Pune (Poona), Distrikt/Steinbruch Wagholi Image: 1315145352 Rating: 9 (votes: 1) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Arbeiter beim Formatieren |
Stbr. Wagholi, Distrikt Pune, Maharashtra, Indien |
Copyright: | Jürgen Tron |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2011-09-04 |
Views (File: ): 99
Pitchola See einer der vielen Seen, die früher zur Trinkwasserversorgung angelegt wurden. Aravalli Berge, Radjastan, Indien. Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether Location: Indien/Rajasthan/Aravalli Berge Image: 1607770384 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Pitchola See |
einer der vielen Seen, die früher zur Trinkwasserversorgung angelegt wurden. Aravalli Berge, Radjastan, Indien. |
Copyright: | Doc Diether |
Contribution: Doc Diether 2020-12-12 |
Views (File: ): 17
Tiruvakkarai National Fossil Wood Park Silifizierter Stamm, Tertiär, Tiruvakkarai, Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, Indien. Copyright: Wikipedia-User: Ranjith Kumar Inbasekaran; Contribution: oliverOliver Location: Indien/Tamil Nadu/Viluppuram, Distrikt/Vanur taluk/Thiruvakkarai (Tiruvakkarai)/Tiruvakkarai National Fossil Wood Park Image: 1707587068 License: Creative Commons - Attribution Share Alike (CC-BY-SA) V.3.0 |
Tiruvakkarai National Fossil Wood Park |
Silifizierter Stamm, Tertiär, Tiruvakkarai, Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, Indien. |
Copyright: | Wikipedia-User: Ranjith Kumar Inbasekaran |
Contribution: oliverOliver 2024-02-10 |
Views (File: ): 105
Palast der Winde (Wahrzeichen der Stadt) (Pink City) Jaipur, Rajasthan, IN. 1990. Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether Location: Indien/Rajasthan/Jaipur, Division Image: 1607719188 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Palast der Winde (Wahrzeichen der Stadt) |
(Pink City) Jaipur, Rajasthan, IN. 1990. |
Copyright: | Doc Diether |
Contribution: Doc Diether 2020-12-11 |
Mineral images (878 Images total)
Views (File: ): 377
Gyrolith Größe: 37 mm; Fundort: Malad Kurar, Distrikt Mumbai, Maharashtra, Indien Copyright: Rock Currier; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: Indien/Maharashtra/Mumbai (Bombay), Distrikt/Mumbai (Bombay), Stadt/Malad Mineral: Gyrolite Image: 1295515788 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Gyrolith |
Größe: 37 mm; Fundort: Malad Kurar, Distrikt Mumbai, Maharashtra, Indien |
Copyright: | Rock Currier |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2011-01-20 |
More | MF |
Views (File: ): 704
Apophyllit xx, Stilbit xx Poona, Indien, 7,1x6,4x3,9 cm, großer Stilbitkristall 2,3x0,6x1,3 cm, farblich zoniert Copyright: HaDeS; Contribution: HaDeS Collection: HaDeS, Donator: Andreas Gerstenberg Location: Indien/Maharashtra/Pune (Poona), Distrikt Mineral: Apophyllit-Gruppe Image: 1578753866 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Apophyllit xx, Stilbit xx |
Poona, Indien, 7,1x6,4x3,9 cm, großer Stilbitkristall 2,3x0,6x1,3 cm, farblich zoniert |
Collection: | HaDeS |
Copyright: | HaDeS |
Contribution: HaDeS 2020-01-11 |
More | MF |
Views (File: ): 1549
Cavansit Indien/Maharashtra/Pune (Poona), Distrikt; Munich Show 2017 Copyright: Stefan; Contribution: Stefan Location: Indien/Maharashtra/Pune (Poona), Distrikt Mineral: Cavansite Image: 1509647230 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Cavansit |
Indien/Maharashtra/Pune (Poona), Distrikt; Munich Show 2017 |
Copyright: | Stefan |
Contribution: Stefan 2017-11-02 |
More | MF |
Views (File: ): 549
Scapolite Gem quality, scapolite crystal from Scapolite locality, Karur District, Tamil Nadu, India; Size 42 х 10 х 9 mm Copyright: pegmatite; Contribution: pegmatite Collection: pegmatite Location: Indien/Tamil Nadu/Karur, Distrikt Mineral: Scapolite Image: 1424409087 Rating: 8 (votes: 1) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Scapolite |
Gem quality, scapolite crystal from Scapolite locality, Karur District, Tamil Nadu, India; Size 42 х 10 х 9 mm |
Collection: | pegmatite |
Copyright: | pegmatite |
Contribution: pegmatite 2015-02-20 |
More | MF |
Views (File: ): 21
Mordenite with Apophyllite and Stilbite Aesthetical combination of Mordenite with Apophyllite and Stilbite, from Jalgaon District, Nashik Division, Maharashtra, India; Dimensions: 83 mm x 52 mm x 34 mm Copyright: pegmatite; Contribution: pegmatite Location: Indien/Maharashtra/Jalgaon, Distrikt Mineral: Mordenite Image: 1717479516 Rating: 9 (votes: 1) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Mordenite with Apophyllite and Stilbite |
Aesthetical combination of Mordenite with Apophyllite and Stilbite, from Jalgaon District, Nashik Division, Maharashtra, India; Dimensions: 83 mm x 52 mm x 34 mm |
Copyright: | pegmatite |
Contribution: pegmatite 2024-06-04 |
More | MF |
Minerals (Count: 770)
Minerals (770) |
Rock images (2 Images total)
Views (File: ): 3153
Kinzigit Kinzigit - Granat-Biotit-Plagioklas-Gneis Zus.: Almandin-Pyrop, Biotit, Plagioklas Amphibolit-Granulit-Fazies Alter: Proterozoisch; Kontinent-Kontinent-Kollision Fundort: E-Mysore, Karnataka, Indien Copyright: Collector; Contribution: Collector Collection: Collector Location: Indien/Karnataka/Mysore, Distrikt Rock: kinzigite Image: 1142863042 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Kinzigit |
Kinzigit - Granat-Biotit-Plagioklas-Gneis Zus.: Almandin-Pyrop, Biotit, Plagioklas Amphibolit-Granulit-Fazies Alter: Proterozoisch; Kontinent-Kontinent-Kollision Fundort: E-Mysore, Karnataka, I... |
Collection: | Collector |
Copyright: | Collector |
Contribution: Collector 2006-03-20 |
More | RF |
Views (File: ): 67
Rubin in Syenit-Matrix, Fluoreszenz Fundort: Karnataka, Mysore-Distrikt, Indien. BB jeweils 35 mm; Rechts: Fluoreszenz bei Anregung mit LED UV-A Taschenlampe ("Langwelle") bei 365nm. Fotografiert mit UV-Sperrfilter. Der RGB-Farbraum von Kamera und Display kann das tiefe rot der 694nm Emission des Cr3+ im Rubin nicht korrekt darstellen. Diskussion im Forum hier: https://www.mineralienatlas.de/forum/index.php/topic,59549.0.html Copyright: Superstrahler; Contribution: Superstrahler Collection: Superstrahlers Mineralienkabinett Location: Indien/Karnataka/Mysore, Distrikt Mineral: Ruby Rock: syenite Encyclopedia: Fluoreszenz Image: 1724705360 License: Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works (CC-BY-NC-ND) V.3.0 |
Rubin in Syenit-Matrix, Fluoreszenz |
Fundort: Karnataka, Mysore-Distrikt, Indien. BB jeweils 35 mm; Rechts: Fluoreszenz bei Anregung mit LED UV-A Taschenlampe ("Langwelle") bei 365nm. Fotografiert mit UV-Sperrfilter. Der RGB-Farbraum ... |
Collection: | Superstrahlers Mineralienkabinett |
Copyright: | Superstrahler |
Contribution: Superstrahler 2024-08-26 |
More | MRLF |
Rocks (Count: 218)
Rocks (218) |
Fossil images (12 Images total)
Views (File: ): 28
Silifiziertes Holz indet. Silifiziertes Holz indet. (ohne Maßstab), Tertiär; Thiruvakkarai, Tamil Nadu, Indien Copyright: Wikipedia-User: Thamizhpparithi Maari; Contribution: oliverOliver Location: Indien/Tamil Nadu/Viluppuram, Distrikt/Vanur taluk/Thiruvakkarai (Tiruvakkarai)/Tiruvakkarai National Fossil Wood Park Fossil: Dicotyledonae Image: 1707586457 License: Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA) V.4.0 |
Silifiziertes Holz indet. |
Silifiziertes Holz indet. (ohne Maßstab), Tertiär; Thiruvakkarai, Tamil Nadu, Indien |
Copyright: | Wikipedia-User: Thamizhpparithi Maari |
Contribution: oliverOliver 2024-02-10 |
More | FoF |
Views (File: ): 125
achatisierte Schnecke Zentral-Indien - 5 cm Copyright: Mineralroli; Contribution: Mineralroli Location: Indien Fossil: Gastropoda Image: 1549305008 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
achatisierte Schnecke |
Zentral-Indien - 5 cm |
Copyright: | Mineralroli |
Contribution: Mineralroli 2019-02-04 |
More | FoF |
Views (File: ): 142
achatisierte Schnecken Text Erklärung zu den achatisierten Schnecken Copyright: Mineralroli; Contribution: Mineralroli Location: Indien Fossil: Gastropoda Image: 1549305252 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
achatisierte Schnecken Text |
Erklärung zu den achatisierten Schnecken |
Copyright: | Mineralroli |
Contribution: Mineralroli 2019-02-04 |
More | FoF |
Views (File: ): 773
Chondrophore Features of Crassostrea fossils (Miocene) The Miocene Origin Oyster Crassostrea Gigantissima from the east coast of India; Ref: Presence of Miocene Oysters: Rise and Fall of a Paleo-Estuary in the East Coast of India, By Riffin T. Sajeev; Article Link: http://scientific.cloud-journals.com/index.php/IJAESE/article/view/Sci-198 Copyright: Riffin T. Sajeev & Russel T. Sajeev, World Fossil Society; Contribution: Riffin Collection: Riffin T Sajeev & Russel T Sajeev,World Fossil Society. Location: Indien Fossil: Crassostrea Image: 1413600677 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Chondrophore Features of Crassostrea fossils (Miocene) |
The Miocene Origin Oyster Crassostrea Gigantissima from the east coast of India; Ref: Presence of Miocene Oysters: Rise and Fall of a Paleo-Estuary in the East Coast of India, By Riffin T. Sajeev; ... |
Collection: | Riffin T Sajeev & Russel T Sajeev,World Fossil Society. |
Copyright: | Riffin T. Sajeev & Russel T. Sajeev, World Fossil Society |
Contribution: Riffin 2014-10-18 |
More | FoF |
Views (File: ): 1411
Arctostrea Sp. This oyster from cretaceous sebiments of east coast India.The important feature is the zigzag commisure which is the adaptation achievement due to high energy environment existed during late cretaceous; "Occurrence of Arctostrea: Existence of high; energy Paleoenvironment in Cauvery basin, India; during Late Cretaceous." Riffin T Sajeev , International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 12,December-2013ISSN 2229-5518 Copyright: Riffin T. Sajeev & Russel T. Sajeev, World Fossil Society; Contribution: Riffin Collection: Riffin T. Sajeev & Russel T. Sajeev, World Fossil Society Location: Indien Fossil: Arctostrea Image: 1414774058 License: Public Domain |
Arctostrea Sp. |
This oyster from cretaceous sebiments of east coast India.The important feature is the zigzag commisure which is the adaptation achievement due to high energy environment existed during late cretac... |
Collection: | Riffin T. Sajeev & Russel T. Sajeev, World Fossil Society |
Copyright: | Riffin T. Sajeev & Russel T. Sajeev, World Fossil Society |
Contribution: Riffin 2014-10-31 |
More | FoF |
Fossils (Count: 223)
Fossils (223) |
Stratigraphic units (Count: 2)
Actuality: 10. Sep 2024 - 03:04:46 |
Subsidiary Pages
Refresh list | Fold level: 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - Unfold all | Actuality: 10. Sep 2024 - 03:04:47 |
External links
Reference- and Source indication, Literature
Geolitho Marketplace, by and for collectors - search for Mineral, Rocks and Fossils from this location |
GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) | BcnVC3001k2WfGPvcm5zWw |
GUID (Global unique identifier) | 0BD5C905-347D-4DD6-967C-63EF726E735B |
Database ID | 691 |