Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas
Bismutotantalite |
Pictures (2 Images total)
Views (File: ): 1886
Bismutotantalit Größe: 59x59 mm; Fundort: Gamba Hill, Kreis Busiiro, Distrikt Wakiso, Uganda Copyright: Rock Currier; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: Uganda/Wakiso, Distrikt/Busiiro, Kreis/Gamba Hill Mineral: Bismutotantalite Image: 1275209548 Rating: 6 (votes: 1) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Bismutotantalit |
Größe: 59x59 mm; Fundort: Gamba Hill, Kreis Busiiro, Distrikt Wakiso, Uganda |
Copyright: | Rock Currier |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2010-05-30 |
Locality: Gamba Hill / Busiiro, Kreis / Wakiso, Distrikt / Uganda |
Views (File: ): 1275
Bismutotantalit FO: Manuel Balduino Claim, Paraiba, Brasilien; derbes schwarzgraues Aggregat; BB: 3,0 mm Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer; Contribution: Münchener Micromounter Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter, Collection number: A012592, Donator: Melanie Albert Location: Brasilien/Nordosten (Região Nordeste)/Paraíba/Borborema/Manuel Balduino Claim Mineral: Bismutotantalite Image: 1226481399 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Bismutotantalit (SNr: A012592) |
FO: Manuel Balduino Claim, Paraiba, Brasilien; derbes schwarzgraues Aggregat; BB: 3,0 mm |
Collection: | Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter |
Copyright: | Hannes Osterhammer |
Contribution: Münchener Micromounter 2008-11-12 |
Locality: Manuel Balduino Claim / Borborema / Paraíba / Nordosten (Região Nordeste) / Brasilien |
Collectors Summary
Color | hellbraun, schwarz |
Streak color | gelblich braun |
Hardness (Mohs) | 5 |
Cleavages | vollkommen {010}, deutlich {101} |
Fracture | halbmuschelig |
Solubility | + HF, - Säuren |
Crystal System | orthorhombisch, Pcnn |
Chemical formula |
Bi(Ta,Nb)O4 |
Chemical composition |
Bismut, Niob, Tantal, Sauerstoff |
Analysis wt% |
Bi2O3 : 49.90, Ta2O5 : 46.00, Nb2O5 : 2.20, SiO2 : 1.40 (Ref: Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, (Monatshefte) 55) |
Strunz 9th edition incl. updates |
4: Oxide, Hydroxide (Oxide, Hydroxide, V[5,6]-Vanadate, Arsenite, Antimonite, Bismutite, Sulfite, Selenite, Tellurite, Iodate) |
Lapis Classification |
Classification by Hölzel |
Dana 8th edition |
08: Multiple Oxides with Nb, Ta, and Ti |
IMA status |
Erstbeschreibung vor CNMNC-Gründung (1959), als Mineral meist anerkannt |
Mineral status |
anerkanntes Mineral |
Optical Properties
Crystals 3D
Open larger view |
Crystal Structure 3D
Open larger view |
Physical Properties
5 |
390 (ungefähre Angabe abgeleitet aus der Mohshärte) |
8.51 - 8.84 / Durchschnittlich = 8.67 |
8.734 ( ρ calc. Mineralienatlas ) |
vollkommen {010}, deutlich {101} |
halbmuschelig |
Instability |
+ HF, - Säuren |
(Co-)Type locality
(Co-)Type locality |
Author (Name, Year) |
Wayland & Spencer, 1929 |
Other languages
German |
Bismutotantalit |
Spanish |
Bismutotantalita |
French |
Bismutotantalite |
English |
Bismutotantalite |
Russian |
Бисмутотанталит |
Russian |
Висмутотанталит |
Japanese |
蒼鉛タンタル石 |
CNMNC symbol
Symbol |
Bttl |
Automatic Links to external internet sources (Responsibility is with the operator)
Mineral Dealer
Locations with GPS information
GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) | _HRs6JsRSE62oi3DS7y30g |
GUID (Global unique identifier) | E86C74FC-119B-4E48-B6A2-2DC34BBCB7D2 |
Database ID | 418 |