Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas
Chevkinite-(Ce) (Chevkinit-(Ce)) |
Pictures (24 Images total)
Views (File: ): 4464
Chevkinit Bildbreite: 3 mm; Fundort: Fundort: Laacher See Vulkangebiet, Eifel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland Copyright: Stephan Wolfsried; Contribution: Hg Location: Deutschland/Rheinland-Pfalz/Ahrweiler, Landkreis/Brohltal, Verbandsgemeinde/Laacher See Mineral: Chevkinite-(Ce) Image: 1204098873 Rating: 8.67 (votes: 3) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Chevkinit |
Bildbreite: 3 mm; Fundort: Fundort: Laacher See Vulkangebiet, Eifel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland |
Copyright: | Stephan Wolfsried |
Contribution: Hg 2008-02-27 |
Locality: Laacher See / Brohltal, Verbandsgemeinde / Ahrweiler, Landkreis / Rheinland-Pfalz / Deutschland |
Views (File: ): 1683
Chevkinit-(Ce) Bildbreite: 6 mm; Fundort: Midtmoen, Surka, Oståsen-Hadeland, Oppland, Norwegen Copyright: Leonardus; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: Norwegen/Akershus, Provinz/Lunner, Kommune/Surka/Midtmoen Mineral: Chevkinite-(Ce) Image: 1217276249 Rating: 8 (votes: 2) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Chevkinit-(Ce) |
Bildbreite: 6 mm; Fundort: Midtmoen, Surka, Oståsen-Hadeland, Oppland, Norwegen |
Copyright: | Leonardus |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2008-07-28 |
Locality: Midtmoen / Surka / Lunner, Kommune / Akershus, Provinz / Norwegen |
Views (File: ): 1561
Chevkinit-(Ce) Bildbreite: 2 mm; Fundort Laacher See-Vulkangebiet, Eifel, Deutschland Copyright: Stephan Wolfsried; Contribution: Hg Location: Deutschland/Rheinland-Pfalz/Ahrweiler, Landkreis/Brohltal, Verbandsgemeinde/Laacher See Mineral: Chevkinite-(Ce) Image: 1174038653 Rating: 7 (votes: 3) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Chevkinit-(Ce) |
Bildbreite: 2 mm; Fundort Laacher See-Vulkangebiet, Eifel, Deutschland |
Copyright: | Stephan Wolfsried |
Contribution: Hg 2007-03-16 |
Locality: Laacher See / Brohltal, Verbandsgemeinde / Ahrweiler, Landkreis / Rheinland-Pfalz / Deutschland |
Views (File: ): 1736
frischer, glasiger Chevkinit-(Ce) Größe: 70x70x25 mm; Fundort: Vishnevye, Tscheljabinsk, Ural, Russland Copyright: Pavel M. Kartashov; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: Russland/Ural, Föderationskreis/Tscheljabinsk (Chelyabinsk), Oblast/Vishnevye-Gebirge Mineral: Chevkinite-(Ce) Image: 1243368793 Rating: 6 (votes: 1) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
frischer, glasiger Chevkinit-(Ce) |
Größe: 70x70x25 mm; Fundort: Vishnevye, Tscheljabinsk, Ural, Russland |
Copyright: | Pavel M. Kartashov |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2009-05-26 |
Locality: Vishnevye-Gebirge / Tscheljabinsk (Chelyabinsk), Oblast / Ural, Föderationskreis / Russland |
Views (File: ): 1495
Chevkinit-(Ce) Größe: 90x80 mm; Fundort: Ambatofinandrahana, Fianarantsoa, Madagaskar Copyright: Paul Bongaerts; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: Madagaskar/Amoron'i Mania, Region/Ambatofinandrahana, Distrikt Mineral: Chevkinite-(Ce) Image: 1264033185 Rating: 6 (votes: 1) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Chevkinit-(Ce) |
Größe: 90x80 mm; Fundort: Ambatofinandrahana, Fianarantsoa, Madagaskar |
Copyright: | Paul Bongaerts |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2010-01-21 |
Locality: Ambatofinandrahana, Distrikt / Amoron'i Mania, Region / Madagaskar |
Collectors Summary
Color | braunschwarz |
Streak color | braun |
Hardness (Mohs) | 5.00 - 6.00 |
Solubility | +++ warme HNO3, + HCl |
Crystal System | monoklin, C2/m |
Chemical formula |
(Ce,La,Ca,Na,Th)4(Fe2+,Mg)2(Ti,Fe3+)3Si4O22 |
Chemical composition |
Calcium, Cerium, Eisen, Lanthanum, Magnesium, Natrium, Silicium, Thorium, Titan, Sauerstoff |
Strunz 9th edition incl. updates |
9: Silikate (Germanate) |
Lapis Classification |
Classification by Hölzel |
Dana 8th edition |
56: Sorosilicates Sorosilicate Si2O7 Groups and O, OH, F. and H2O |
IMA status |
Anerkannt von der CNMNC |
Mineral status |
anerkanntes Mineral |
IMA Classification
IMA Classification |
Chevkinite group ⇒ Chevkinite subgroup |
Optical Properties
2/m |
Space Group number |
12 |
C2/m |
Cell parameters a (Å) |
13.461 |
Cell parameters b (Å) |
5.676 |
Cell parameters c (Å) |
11.352 |
Cell parameters a/b or c/a |
2.372 |
Cell parameters c/b |
2.000 |
Cell parameters α |
90° |
Cell parameters β |
100.87 |
Cell parameters γ |
90° |
Z |
2 |
Volume (ų) |
851.783 |
Susanna Carbonin; Filippo Ridolfi; Alberto Renzulli; Elena Belluso; Luca Nodari, Federica Liziero; Silvana Capella: Mineral and crystal chemical study of pseudo-C2/m non-metamict chevkinite-(Ce): An investigation into the intracrystalline distribution of LREE, HREE, and octahedral cations in samples from the Azores and Pakistan. American Mineralogist Vol. 109, Nr. 5 (2024) S. 896-914. doi: 10.2138/am-2022-8658 |
4.61(30), |
Calculated from d-spacing and intensity at 0.1541838 nm (Cu) |
Crystals 3D
Open larger view |
Crystal Structure 3D
Open larger view |
Physical Properties
5.00 - 6.00 |
530 (ungefähre Angabe abgeleitet aus der Mohshärte) |
4.88 (berechnet) |
4.772 ( ρ calc. Mineralienatlas ) |
Kristalle sind elastisch und belastbar |
Durch den Gehalt von Thorium radioaktiv, verglichen mit anderen rad. Mineralen jedoch gering. |
Instability |
+++ warme HNO3, + HCl |
(Co-)Type locality
(Co-)Type locality |
Russland/Ural, Föderationskreis/Tscheljabinsk (Chelyabinsk), Oblast/Ilmen-Gebirge |
Name from |
Benannt nach K. V. Chevkin (1802–75), Chef des Bergbauingenieur-Korps in St. Petrersburg; in der älteren Literatur auch Tscheffkinit genannt. |
Author (Name, Year) |
Rose, 1839 |
Safety Instructions
Industrial chemicals are often present in powder form and therefore often contain much higher dangers than natural, crystalline substances. These hazard statements refer to the classification of industrially used chemical compounds that may also occur in this natural mineral. The hazard classification makes no claim to completeness. Safety classes: Ionizing radiation: Radioaktiv |
Canadian Mineralogist 42 (2004), 1013 R. Macdonald, B. Bagiński, P. M. Kartashov, D. Zozulya and P. Dzierżanowski - Chevkinite-group minerals from Russia and Mongolia: new compositional data from metasomatites and ore deposits - Mineralogical Magazine, June 2012, Vol. 76(3), pp. 535–549. [ICON:pdficon.png|http://rruff.info/uploads/MM76_535.pdf] Susanna Carbonin; Filippo Ridolfi; Alberto Renzulli; Elena Belluso; Luca Nodari, Federica Liziero; Silvana Capella: Mineral and crystal chemical study of pseudo-C2/m non-metamict chevkinite-(Ce): An investigation into the intracrystalline distribution of LREE, HREE, and octahedral cations in samples from the Azores and Pakistan. American Mineralogist Vol. 109, Nr. 5 (2024) S. 896-914. doi: 10.2138/am-2022-8658 |
IMA group assignments
Other languages
German |
Chevkinit-(Ce) |
Spanish |
Chevkinita-(Ce) |
French |
Chevkinite-(Ce) |
English |
Chevkinite-(Ce) |
Russian |
Чевкинит-(Ce) |
Traditional Chinese |
矽鈦鈰鐵礦 |
Simplified Chinese |
硅钛铈铁矿 |
Alternative Name
Tscheffkinite-(Ce) |
Traditional Chinese |
矽鈦酸鈰釔礦 |
Traditional Chinese |
矽鈦鈰釔礦 |
Traditional Chinese |
矽鈰鈦礦 |
Simplified Chinese |
硅钛酸铈钇矿 |
Simplified Chinese |
硅钛铈矿 |
Simplified Chinese |
硅钛铈钇矿 |
CNMNC symbol
Symbol |
Cvk-Ce |
Automatic Links to external internet sources (Responsibility is with the operator)
Mineral Dealer
Locations with GPS information
GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) | Z6wGoskfKkqQaYw4LDrBXA |
GUID (Global unique identifier) | A206AC67-1FC9-4A2A-9069-8C382C3AC15C |
Database ID | 712 |