Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas
Diopside (Diopsid) |
Pictures (368 Images total)
Views (File: ): 15873
Diopsid Größe: 4,27 mm; Fundort: Bellecombe, Aostatal, Italien Copyright: Matteo Chinellato; Contribution: Hg Collection: Domenico Preite Location: Italien/Aostatal (Valle d'Aosta), Region/Châtillon/Bellecombe Mineral: Diopside Image: 1309176730 Rating: 9.67 (votes: 3) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Diopsid |
Größe: 4,27 mm; Fundort: Bellecombe, Aostatal, Italien |
Collection: | Domenico Preite |
Copyright: | Matteo Chinellato |
Contribution: Hg 2011-06-27 |
Locality: Bellecombe / Châtillon / Aostatal (Valle d'Aosta), Region / Italien |
Views (File: ): 9523, Rating: 9.43
Diopsid Größe: 2 mm; Fundort: Lemie, Viùtal (Val di Viù), Lanzotal (Valli di Lanzo), Turin (Torino), Piemont (Piemonte), Italien Copyright: Enrico Bonacina; Contribution: Hg Location: Italien/Piemont (Piemonte), Region/Turin (Torino), Provinz/Lanzotal (Valli di Lanzo)/Viùtal (Val di Viù)/Lemie Mineral: Diopside Image: 1320399229 Rating: 9.43 (votes: 7) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Diopsid |
Größe: 2 mm; Fundort: Lemie, Viùtal (Val di Viù), Lanzotal (Valli di Lanzo), Turin (Torino), Piemont (Piemonte), Italien |
Copyright: | Enrico Bonacina |
Contribution: Hg 2011-11-04 |
Locality: Lemie / Viùtal (Val di Viù) / Lanzotal (Valli di Lanzo) / Turin (Torino), Provinz / Piemont (Piemonte), Region / Italien |
Views (File: ): 15615, Rating: 9.4
Diopsid Größe: 4,96 mm; Fundort: Monte Cervandone, Alpe Devero (Valle Devero), Baceno, Val d'Ossola, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Piemont, Italien Copyright: Matteo Chinellato; Contribution: Hg Location: Italien/Piemont (Piemonte), Region/Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Provinz/Baceno/Alpe Devero (Valle Devero)/Monte Cervandone Mineral: Diopside Image: 1283435739 Rating: 9.4 (votes: 5) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Diopsid |
Größe: 4,96 mm; Fundort: Monte Cervandone, Alpe Devero (Valle Devero), Baceno, Val d'Ossola, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Piemont, Italien |
Copyright: | Matteo Chinellato |
Contribution: Hg 2010-09-02 |
Locality: Monte Cervandone / Alpe Devero (Valle Devero) / Baceno / Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Provinz / Piemont (Piemonte), Region / Italien |
Views (File: ): 5138, Rating: 8.6
Diopsid Langprismatische farblose Kristalle, BB = 3,8 mm, Fundort: Bellecombe, Chatillon, Provinz Aosta, Region Aostatal, Italien. Copyright: Bebo; Contribution: Münchener Micromounter Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter, Collection number: A016013, Donator: Melanie Albert Location: Italien/Aostatal (Valle d'Aosta), Region/Châtillon/Bellecombe Mineral: Diopside Image: 1399055664 Rating: 8.6 (votes: 5) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Diopsid (SNr: A016013) |
Langprismatische farblose Kristalle, BB = 3,8 mm, Fundort: Bellecombe, Chatillon, Provinz Aosta, Region Aostatal, Italien. |
Collection: | Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter |
Copyright: | Bebo |
Contribution: Münchener Micromounter 2014-05-02 |
Locality: Bellecombe / Châtillon / Aostatal (Valle d'Aosta), Region / Italien |
Views (File: ): 4327, Rating: 9
Diopsid Größe: 8,56 mm; Fundort: Testa Ciarva, Balme, Ala-Tal (Val d'Ala), Turin (Torino), Provinz, Piemont (Piemonte), Region, Italien Copyright: Matteo Chinellato; Contribution: Hg Location: Italien/Piemont (Piemonte), Region/Turin (Torino), Provinz/Lanzotal (Valli di Lanzo)/Alatal (Valli di Ala)/Balme/Testa Ciarva Mineral: Diopside Image: 1285062645 Rating: 9 (votes: 4) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Diopsid |
Größe: 8,56 mm; Fundort: Testa Ciarva, Balme, Ala-Tal (Val d'Ala), Turin (Torino), Provinz, Piemont (Piemonte), Region, Italien |
Copyright: | Matteo Chinellato |
Contribution: Hg 2010-09-21 |
Locality: Testa Ciarva / Balme / Alatal (Valli di Ala) / Lanzotal (Valli di Lanzo) / Turin (Torino), Provinz / Piemont (Piemonte), Region / Italien |
Collectors Summary
Color | farblos, weiß, gelblich, hell- bis dunkelgrün, schwarz, grau, auch selten violett |
Streak color | weiß, auch helles lindgrün |
Lustre | Glasglanz bis Matt |
Hardness (Mohs) | 5.5 - 6.5 |
Solubility | +++ HF, - andere Säuren |
Crystal System | monoklin, C2/c |
Morphology | prismatisch mit rechtwinkligem Querschnitt, tafelig nach {010}, nadelig, faserig, derb, körnig, radialstrahlige Aggregate, Kristalle ein- und aufgewachsen |
Chemical formula |
CaMgSi2O6 |
Chemical composition |
Calcium, Magnesium, Silicium, Sauerstoff |
Analysis wt% |
SiO2 : 52.70, Al2O3 : 1.87, Fe2O3 : 0.43, FeO : 2.97, MgO : 15.75, CaO : 24.75, Na2O : 0.42 (Ref: Canadian Mineralogist 65) |
Strunz 9th edition incl. updates |
9: Silikate (Germanate) |
Lapis Classification |
Classification by Hölzel |
Dana 8th edition |
65: Inosilicate Minerals |
IMA status |
Anerkannt von der CNMNC |
Mineral status |
anerkanntes Mineral |
IMA Classification
IMA Classification |
Pyroxene group ⇒ Clinopyroxene group |
Optical Properties
Optical Data Luminescence
2/m |
Space Group number |
15 |
C2/c |
Cell parameters a (Å) |
9.720 |
Cell parameters b (Å) |
8.920 |
Cell parameters c (Å) |
5.235 |
Cell parameters a/b or c/a |
1.090 |
Cell parameters c/b |
0.587 |
Cell parameters α |
90° |
Cell parameters β |
105.35 |
Cell parameters γ |
90° |
Z |
4 |
Volume (ų) |
437.695 |
3.220(50), |
Calculated from d-spacing and intensity at 0.1541838 nm (Cu) |
prismatisch mit rechtwinkligem Querschnitt, tafelig nach {010}, nadelig, faserig, derb, körnig, radialstrahlige Aggregate, Kristalle ein- und aufgewachsen |
Crystals 3D
Open larger view |
Crystal Structure 3D
Open larger view |
Physical Properties
(Co-)Type locality
(Co-)Type locality |
Italien/Piemont (Piemonte), Region/Turin (Torino), Provinz/Lanzotal (Valli di Lanzo)/Alatal (Valli di Ala)/Balme/Alpe della Mussa |
IMA group assignments
Refresh list | Actuality: 13. Sep 2024 - 17:44:03 |
eisenhaltiger Diopsid |
chromhaltige Diopsid-Varietät |
vanadiumhaltige Diopsid-Varietät |
manganhaltige Diopsid-Varietät |
Other languages
German |
Diopsid |
English |
Diopside |
French |
Diopside |
Finnish |
Diopsidi |
Spanish |
Diopsidos |
Dutch |
Diopsied |
Polish |
Diopsyd |
Hungarian |
Diopszid |
Spanish |
Diópsido |
Portuguese |
Diópsido |
Russian |
Диопсид |
Ukrainian |
Діопсид |
Hebrew |
דיופסיד |
Japanese |
透輝石 |
Alternative Name
Acantoide |
Acimite-diopside |
German |
Alalit |
Spanish |
Alalita |
Alalite |
Bistagite |
German |
Chromaugit |
Chrome-Augite |
German |
Coccolit |
Spanish |
Coccolita |
Coccolite |
German |
Dekalbit |
Spanish |
Dekalbita |
Dekalbite |
German |
Kokkolith |
Spanish |
Leucaugita |
Leucaugite |
German |
Leukaugit |
Spanish |
Malacolita |
Malacolite |
Malakolith |
Mussite (of Bonvoisin) |
German |
Protheit |
Protheite |
German |
Sahlit |
Spanish |
Sahlita |
Sahlite |
Salit |
Spanish |
Salita |
English |
Salite |
Tashmarine |
Simplified Chinese |
次透辉石 |
透辉石 |
Japanese |
サーラ輝石 |
CNMNC symbol
Symbol |
Di |
Rock part of
Refresh list | View legend | Actuality: 13. Sep 2024 - 17:44:03 |
Automatic Links to external internet sources (Responsibility is with the operator)
Mineral Dealer
Locations with GPS information
GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) | 4RM6IC1PU0OWb8iES0SZAA |
GUID (Global unique identifier) | 203A13E1-4F2D-4353-966F-C8844B449900 |
Database ID | 940 |