Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas
Launayite |
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Launayit Kleine Launayit-Kristallgruppe (ohne Maßstab; REM-EDX analysiert) von der Typlokalität Taylor Pit, Madoc, Hastings Co., Ontario, Kanada. Ex Van den Broucke Sammlung (sh.: https://www.mindat.org/mesg-560223.html). Copyright: Wikipedia-user: David Hospital; Contribution: oliverOliver Location: Kanada/Ontario/Hastings Co./Centre Hastings Township/Madoc/Taylor Pit Mineral: Launayite Image: 1703710228 License: Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA) V.4.0 |
Launayit E |
Kleine Launayit-Kristallgruppe (ohne Maßstab; REM-EDX analysiert) von der Typlokalität Taylor Pit, Madoc, Hastings Co., Ontario, Kanada. Ex Van den Broucke Sammlung (sh.: https://www.mindat.org/mes~... |
Copyright: | Wikipedia-user: David Hospital |
Contribution: oliverOliver 2023-12-27 |
Locality: Taylor Pit / Madoc / Centre Hastings Township / Hastings Co. / Ontario / Kanada |
Collectors Summary
Color | bleigrau-metallisch |
Streak color | schwarz |
Lustre | Metallglanz |
Hardness (Mohs) | 4 |
Cleavages | vollkommen {100}{001} |
Solubility | + HNO3 |
Crystal System | monoklin, C2, Cm, C2/m |
Chemical formula |
CuPb10(Sb,As)13S30 |
Chemical composition |
Antimon, Arsen, Blei, Kupfer, Schwefel |
Analysis wt% |
Pb : 48.50, Sb : 29.50, As : 1.50, S : 21.25 (Ref: Canadian Mineralogist 67) |
Strunz 9th edition incl. updates |
2: Sulfide und Sulfosalze (Sulfide, Selenide, Telluride, Arsenide, Antimonide, Bismutide, Sulfoarsenide, Sulfoantimonide, Sulfobismuthide) |
Lapis Classification |
II: SULFIDE UND SULFOSALZE (Sulfide, Selenide, Telluride, Arsenide, Antimonide, Bismutide) |
Classification by Hölzel |
Dana 8th edition |
03: Sulfides - Sulfosalts |
IMA status |
Anerkannt von der CNMNC |
Mineral status |
anerkanntes Mineral |
Optical Properties
Physical Properties
4 |
179 (50g) |
5.83 (berechnet) |
5.56 ( ρ calc. Mineralienatlas ) |
vollkommen {100}{001} |
Instability |
+ HNO3 |
(Co-)Type locality
(Co-)Type locality |
Kanada/Ontario/Hastings Co./Centre Hastings Township/Madoc/Taylor Pit |
Name from |
Louis de Launay (1860-1938), französischer Geologe |
Author (Name, Year) |
Jambor, 1967 |
Canadian Mineralogist 9 (1967), 191 Jambor, J.L. - New lead sulfantimonides from Madoc, Ontario. Part 2 – mineral descriptions. Canadian Mineralogist 9 (1967), 191–194. |
Other languages
German |
Launayit |
Spanish |
Launayita |
French |
Launayite |
English |
Launayite |
Russian |
Лонэит |
CNMNC (IMA)-Number
IMA 1966-021 |
CNMNC symbol
Symbol |
Lau |
Automatic Links to external internet sources (Responsibility is with the operator)
Mineral Dealer
Locations with GPS information
GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) | 1r9qgE5JNUi3zgyfudC-gg |
GUID (Global unique identifier) | 806ABFD6-494E-4835-B7CE-0C9FB9D0BE82 |
Database ID | 2148 |