Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas
Oyonite |
Collectors Summary
Color | schwarz |
Lustre | Metallglanz |
Crystal System | monoklin, P21/n |
Additional information / Summary
Oyonit gehört zu den Sb-reichen Mitgliedern der Andorit homologen Subserie innerhalb der lillianit homologen Serie. |
Chemical formula |
Ag3Mn2Pb4Sb7As4S24 |
Empirical formula (analysis) |
Cu0.38Ag2.48Mn1.75Pb3.79Sb7.55As4.05S24.12 |
Chemical composition |
Antimon, Arsen, Blei, Mangan, Silber, Schwefel |
Analysis wt% |
Cu 0.76 (2), |
Strunz 9th edition incl. updates |
2: Sulfide und Sulfosalze (Sulfide, Selenide, Telluride, Arsenide, Antimonide, Bismutide, Sulfoarsenide, Sulfoantimonide, Sulfobismuthide) |
Mineral status |
anerkanntes Mineral |
IMA Classification
IMA Classification |
Lillianite group ⇒ Andorite subgroup |
Optical Properties
Physical Properties
137 kg/mm2 (132–147) (VHN100) |
5.252 ( ρ calc. Mineralienatlas ) |
(Co-)Type locality
(Co-)Type locality |
Type material |
Das Typmaterial ist in den mineralogischen Sammlungen des Museums für Naturkunde, Abteilung für Mineralogie und Litologie, Universität Florenz, Via La Pira 4, I-50121, Florenz, Italien hinterlegt; Katalognummer: 3283/I |
Paragenesis of type material |
Orpiment, Tennantit/Tetraedrit, Menchettiit und andere unbenannte Mineralien in einer Calcit-Matrix |
Bindi, L. Biagioni, C., Keutsch, F.N. (2018): Oyonite, Ag3Mn2Pb4Sb7As4S24, a New Member of the Lillianite Homologous Series from the Uchucchacua Base-Metal Deposit, Oyon District, Peru. Minerals, 8, 192; doi:10.3390/min8050192 Bindi, L., Biagioni, C. and Keutsch, F.N. (2018) Oyonite, IMA 2018-002. CNMNC Newsletter No 43, June 2018, page xxx; Mineralogical Magazine, 82, xxx-xxx. |
IMA group assignments
Other languages
German |
Oyonit |
English |
Oyonite |
CNMNC (IMA)-Number
IMA 2018-002 |
CNMNC symbol
Symbol |
Oyo |
Automatic Links to external internet sources (Responsibility is with the operator)
Mineral Dealer
Locations with GPS information
GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) | 4vCCJ2HEM0WOhiJsu4vPxg |
GUID (Global unique identifier) | 2782F0E2-C461-4533-8E86-226CBB8BCFC6 |
Database ID | 8488 |