Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas
Panguite (Panguit) |
Collectors Summary
Crystal System | orthorhombisch, Pbca |
Morphology | Panguite tritt als unregelmäßige bis subhedrale Körner von 500 nm bis 1,8 μm in der Größe auf. |
Additional information / Summary
Penguit ist nicht nur ein neues Mineral sondern ein neues Material Titandioxid, wahrscheinlich durch Kondensation gebildet. Es ist eines der ältesten Minerale im Sonnensystem. |
Chemical formula |
(Ti4+,Sc,Al,Mg,Zr,Ca)1.8O3 |
Empirical formula (analysis) |
[(Ti0.79Zr0.16Si0.04)4+Σ0.99(Sc0.20Al0.20Y0.06V0.02Cr0.01)3+Σ0.49(Mg0.18Ca0.08Fe0.03)2+Σ0.29]Σ1.77O3 |
Chemical composition |
Aluminium, Calcium, Magnesium, Scandium, Titan, Zirconium, Sauerstoff |
Analysis wt% |
TiO2 : 47.97, ZrO2 : 14.61, Sc2O3 : 10.67, Al2O3 : 7.58, MgO : 5.54, Y2O3 : 5.38, CaO : 3.34, SiO2 : 1.89, FeO : 1.81, V2O3 : 0.95, Cr2O3 : 0.54, HfO2 : 0.28, total 100.56 (wt.%) |
Strunz 9th edition incl. updates |
4: Oxide, Hydroxide (Oxide, Hydroxide, V[5,6]-Vanadate, Arsenite, Antimonite, Bismutite, Sulfite, Selenite, Tellurite, Iodate) |
Lapis Classification |
Classification by Hölzel |
IMA status |
anerkannt - Dez. 2010 - Ma, C., Tschauner, O., Rossman, G.R. and Liu, W. (2011) Panguite, IMA 2010-057. CNMNC Newsletter No. 7, February 2011, page 30; Mineralogical Magazine, 75, 27-31. |
Mineral status |
anerkanntes Mineral |
Optical Properties
opak |
Crystal Structure 3D
Open larger view |
Physical Properties
3.746 (berechnet) |
3.737 ( ρ calc. Mineralienatlas ) |
(Co-)Type locality
(Co-)Type locality |
Mexiko/Chihuahua/Allende, Municipio/Pueblito de Allende/Allende Meteorit |
Type material |
Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC, USA |
Collection number of type material |
7602 |
Other languages
German |
Panguit |
English |
Panguite |
Russian |
Паньгуит |
Simplified Chinese |
盘古石 |
CNMNC (IMA)-Number
IMA 2010-057 |
CNMNC symbol
Symbol |
Pgu |
Automatic Links to external internet sources (Responsibility is with the operator)
Mineral Dealer
Locations with GPS information
GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) | VcVLFVkKJ0StDASS-cju7w |
GUID (Global unique identifier) | 154BC555-0A59-4427-AD0C-0492F9C8EEEF |
Database ID | 6963 |