Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas
Plumbobetafite (Plumbobetafit) |
Collectors Summary
Color | braun, gelb |
Lustre | Diamantglanz |
Hardness (Mohs) | 4.5 - 5.5 |
Cleavages | fehlt |
Fracture | uneben |
Crystal System | kubisch, Fd3m |
Additional information / Summary
Als Mineral diskreditert - The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 48, pp. 673-698 (2010); Plumbobetafite von Ganzeev et al. (1969) ist ein nullwertiges-dominates Mitglied der Pyrochlor-Gruppe. Plumbobetafit von Voloshin et al. (1993) ist ein Plumbobetafit |
Chemical formula |
(Pb,U,Ca)(Ti,Nb)2O6(OH,F) |
Chemical composition |
Blei, Calcium, Niob, Titan, Fluor, Sauerstoff, Uran, Wasserstoff |
Analysis wt% |
Nb2O5 : 30.96, Ta2O5 : 1.65, TiO2 : 13.30, Fe2O3 : 1.14, PbO : 20.70, UO2 : 1.70, UO3 : 13.73, Ln2O3 : 4.63, Ce2O3 : 2.82, La2O3 : 0.97, CaO : 2.11, Na2O : 0.83, SO3 : 0.55, SiO2 : 2.15, H2O : 2.62, F : 1.51, Ln2O3 : 4.63 (Ref: Tr.Min.69) |
Strunz 9th edition incl. updates |
4: Oxide, Hydroxide (Oxide, Hydroxide, V[5,6]-Vanadate, Arsenite, Antimonite, Bismutite, Sulfite, Selenite, Tellurite, Iodate) |
Classification by Hölzel |
Dana 8th edition |
08: Multiple Oxides with Nb, Ta, and Ti |
IMA status |
diskreditiert - The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 48, pp. 673-698 (2010) |
Mineral status |
Varietät |
Variety / polytype of |
Optical Properties
braun, gelb |
durchscheinend bis opak |
Diamantglanz |
2V angle |
Isotropisch |
Crystals 3D
Open larger view |
Physical Properties
4.5 - 5.5 |
4.64 |
5.2 ( ρ calc. Mineralienatlas ) |
fehlt |
uneben |
radioaktiv |
(Co-)Type locality
(Co-)Type locality |
Russland/Ferner Osten, Föderationskreis/Burjatien (Buryatia), Republik/Burpala |
Author (Name, Year) |
Ganzeev & Efimov & Lyubomilova, 1969 |
Other languages
German |
Plumbobetafit |
Spanish |
Plumbobetafita |
French |
Plumbobetafite |
English |
Plumbobetafite |
Russian |
Плюмбобетафит |
Japanese |
プランボベタホ石 |
Automatic Links to external internet sources (Responsibility is with the operator)
Mineral Dealer
Locations with GPS information
GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) | jFM61tn_mkibJDC5INm4bg |
GUID (Global unique identifier) | D63A538C-FFD9-489A-9B24-30B920D9B86E |
Database ID | 3082 |