Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas
Wakabayashilite |
Pictures (28 Images total)
Views (File: ): 1647
Wakabayashilit Fundort: White Caps Mine, Manhattan Distrikt, Nye Co., Nevada, USA; Bildbreite: 4 mm Copyright: Christian Rewitzer; Contribution: Klinoklas Location: USA/Nevada/Nye Co./Manhattan District/Manhattan/White Caps Mine Mineral: Wakabayashilite Image: 1196785707 Rating: 9 (votes: 2) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Wakabayashilit |
Fundort: White Caps Mine, Manhattan Distrikt, Nye Co., Nevada, USA; Bildbreite: 4 mm |
Copyright: | Christian Rewitzer |
Contribution: Klinoklas 2007-12-04 |
Locality: White Caps Mine / Manhattan / Manhattan District / Nye Co. / Nevada / USA |
Views (File: ): 1368
Wakabayashilith Größe des Aggregates: ca. 25 mm; Fundort: White Caps Mine, Manhattan District, Nye Co., Nevada, USA Copyright: Rob Lavinsky; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: USA/Nevada/Nye Co./Manhattan District/Manhattan/White Caps Mine Mineral: Wakabayashilite Image: 1265685515 Rating: 9 (votes: 1) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Wakabayashilith |
Größe des Aggregates: ca. 25 mm; Fundort: White Caps Mine, Manhattan District, Nye Co., Nevada, USA |
Copyright: | Rob Lavinsky |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2010-02-09 |
Locality: White Caps Mine / Manhattan / Manhattan District / Nye Co. / Nevada / USA |
Views (File: ): 1294
Wakabayashilith XX Größe: 10,0 x 7,9 x 7,8 cm; Fundort: White Caps Mine, Manhattan District, Nye Co., Nevada, USA Copyright: Rob Lavinsky; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: USA/Nevada/Nye Co./Manhattan District/Manhattan/White Caps Mine Mineral: Wakabayashilite Image: 1228249259 Rating: 7 (votes: 3) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Wakabayashilith XX |
Größe: 10,0 x 7,9 x 7,8 cm; Fundort: White Caps Mine, Manhattan District, Nye Co., Nevada, USA |
Copyright: | Rob Lavinsky |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2008-12-02 |
Locality: White Caps Mine / Manhattan / Manhattan District / Nye Co. / Nevada / USA |
Views (File: ): 869
Wakabayashilith Größe: 95x65x35 mm; Fundort: Chaidarkan, Ferganabecken, Osh Oblast, Kirgistan Copyright: Rob Lavinsky; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: Kirgistan/Batken, Oblast/Kadamdschai (Kadamjay), Rajon/Khaidarkan (Aidarken; Chaidarkan; Khaydarkan) Sb-Hg Lagerstätte Mineral: Wakabayashilite Image: 1298470770 Rating: 7 (votes: 2) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Wakabayashilith |
Größe: 95x65x35 mm; Fundort: Chaidarkan, Ferganabecken, Osh Oblast, Kirgistan |
Copyright: | Rob Lavinsky |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2011-02-23 |
Locality: Khaidarkan (Aidarken; Chaidarkan; Khaydarkan) Sb-Hg Lagerstätte / Kadamdschai (Kadamjay), Rajon / Batken, Oblast / Kirgistan |
Views (File: ): 1088
Faserige Wakabayashilith-Kristalle auf und in Calcit Bildbreite: 9 mm; Fundort: Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Potosi District, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA Copyright: Peter Haas; Contribution: Philip Blümner Collection: Peter Haas Location: USA/Nevada/Humboldt Co./Golconda District/Getchell Mine Mineral: Wakabayashilite Image: 1189326086 Rating: 7 (votes: 1) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Faserige Wakabayashilith-Kristalle auf und in Calcit |
Bildbreite: 9 mm; Fundort: Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Potosi District, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA |
Collection: | Peter Haas |
Copyright: | Peter Haas |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2007-09-09 |
Locality: Getchell Mine / Golconda District / Humboldt Co. / Nevada / USA |
Collectors Summary
Color | goldgelb, zitronengelb |
Streak color | orangegelb |
Lustre | Seiden- bis Harzglanz |
Hardness (Mohs) | 1.5 |
Crystal System | orthorhombisch, Pna21 |
Morphology | strahlige faserige und nadelige Kristallaggregate |
Chemical formula |
[(As,Sb)6S9][As4S5] |
Chemical composition |
Analysis wt% |
As : 53.40, Sb : 7.00, S : 39.30 (Ref: G.S.Jap.70) |
Strunz 9th edition incl. updates |
2: Sulfide und Sulfosalze (Sulfide, Selenide, Telluride, Arsenide, Antimonide, Bismutide, Sulfoarsenide, Sulfoantimonide, Sulfobismuthide) |
Lapis Classification |
II: SULFIDE UND SULFOSALZE (Sulfide, Selenide, Telluride, Arsenide, Antimonide, Bismutide) |
Classification by Hölzel |
Dana 8th edition |
02: Sulfide Minerals |
IMA status |
Anerkannt von der CNMNC |
Mineral status |
anerkanntes Mineral |
Optical Properties
goldgelb, zitronengelb |
orangegelb |
durchscheinend |
Seiden- bis Harzglanz |
max. Birefringence |
0.62a |
RI value α / ω / n |
2.4a |
RI value β |
2.81a |
RI value γ / ε |
3.02a |
Ri mean |
2.74 |
2V angle |
Biaxial (-) 76°a |
Optical Data Luminescence
keine Fluoreszenz bekannt |
Crystals 3D
Open larger view |
Crystal Structure 3D
Open larger view |
Physical Properties
1.5 |
18 (ungefähre Angabe abgeleitet aus der Mohshärte) |
3.96 - 4.06 |
3.527 ( ρ calc. Mineralienatlas ) |
nicht bekannt |
Chemical Properties and Tests |
chemisch und durch Röntgenanalyse |
(Co-)Type locality
(Co-)Type locality |
Japan/Honshū (Honschu), Insel/Kanto, Region/Gunma, Präfektur/Nishinomaki Mine |
hydrothermal, in arsenhaltigen Lagerstätten |
Rareness |
sehr selten |
Name from |
Yaichiro Wakabayashi (1874-1943), japanischer Mineraloge |
Author (Name, Year) |
Kato & Sakurai & Ohsumi, 1970 |
Relevance, Usage |
nur zu Sammlerzwecken |
Collector information |
im Anschliff ähnlich Auripigment, sehr begehrtes Sammlermineral |
Additional Information |
Chemische Formel laut Lapis-Mineralienverzeichnis:_ (Sb, As)10S18 |
Other languages
Spanish |
Wakabayashilita |
French |
Wakabayashilite |
English |
Wakabayashilite |
German |
Wakabayashilith |
Russian |
Вакабаяшилит |
Alternative Name
Wakabayashilit |
Japanese |
若林鉱 |
CNMNC (IMA)-Number
IMA 1969-024 |
CNMNC symbol
Symbol |
Wak |
Automatic Links to external internet sources (Responsibility is with the operator)
Mineral Dealer
Locations with GPS information
GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) | oDLLZLrC4kmr8JjYe4csUQ |
GUID (Global unique identifier) | 64CB32A0-C2BA-49E2-ABF0-98D87B872C51 |
Database ID | 4110 |