
Myanmar (Burma)


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Myanmar (Burma)


Hochwertige Jade und Edelsteine: Berühmt sind die Taubenblut-Rubine, Spinell, Saphir und einige andere Minerale und Edelsteine in hervorragender Qualität. Einzigartig ist das Vorkommen von Painit. Gold wird ebenfalls gewaschen.

Zudem fördert Myanmar täglich etwa 20.000 Barrel Erdöl (Stand 2014) sowie jährlich 13,1 Milliarden Kubikmeter Erdgas (2013). 25.000 Barrel Erdölprodukte wurden täglich verbraucht (2013) und rund 8.500 Barrel Erdölprodukte täglich importiert (2012). Total baut eine Gaspipeline von Myanmar nach Thailand.

Burma ist einer der (neuen) Hauptexporteure von Zinn und Wolfram.

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Images from localities (6 Images total)

Mandalay am Irawady-Fluss
Views (File:
): 185
Mandalay am Irawady-Fluss
Aus der Luft. Mandalay-Div., Myanmar. 1988.
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Location: Myanmar (Burma)/Mandalay-Division
Image: 1454844172
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Mandalay am Irawady-Fluss

Aus der Luft. Mandalay-Div., Myanmar. 1988.

Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2016-02-07
Views (File:
): 115
Sagaing, Myanmar. 1988.
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Location: Myanmar (Burma)/Sagaing-Division
Image: 1454843848
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Sagaing, Myanmar. 1988.

Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2016-02-07
Der Irrawaddy
Views (File:
): 1572
Der Irrawaddy
bei Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma).
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Location: Myanmar (Burma)
Image: 1455033991
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Der Irrawaddy

bei Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma).

Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2016-02-09
Sagaing und Irrawady
Views (File:
): 119
Sagaing und Irrawady
Sagaing, Myanmar. 1988.
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Location: Myanmar (Burma)/Sagaing-Division
Image: 1454843733
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Sagaing und Irrawady

Sagaing, Myanmar. 1988.

Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2016-02-07
Irrawaddy River
Views (File:
): 26
Irrawaddy River

Map of the Irrawaddy River

Copyright: Wikipedia-User: Shannon
Contribution: oliverOliver 2022-12-26

You find additional specimen at the Geolitho Museum

Detailed Description

Myanmar wird im NW von Indien, im N und NE von China (Sichuan und Yunnan), im S von Thailand und im W vom Golf von Bengalen begrenzt. Die wichtigsten Gebirge sind Patkoi, Naga, Manipur, Lushai, Chin, Arakan und das Shan-Hochland. Die natürliche Lebensader ist der Ayeyarwady (Irrawady-)-Fluss, welcher in der N Kachin-Provinz entspringt und im S bei Yanon (Rangoon) in den Golf von Mottama (Martaban) mündet. Hauptstadt ist Yangon (Rangoon, Rangun).

Zu den weiteren Vorkommen, welche nicht näher beschrieben werden, gehören:

  • Bawdwin; Provinz Shan: Blei-, Silber- und Zinklagerstätte; auch Sb und Ni.
  • Huelon-Mohochaung-Gebiet (ca. 32 km von Bawdwin entfernt): Blei- und Zinkerze
  • Kyaukpahtoe Mine, Stadt Kawlin, Sagaing: Gold
  • Thaabeikkyin : Alluviales Gold, Kupfererze
  • Letpadaung, ca. 10 km S von den S&K-MInes: Kupfererze (1,48 Mrd. Tonnen Reserven!)
  • Mabein-Nord: Kupfer- und Gold
  • S&K-Mines; Sabetaung und Kyisintaung-Gruben, Stadt Salingyi, ca. 15 km W von Monywa in W-Zentral-Myanmar: Übertage Kupfererz-Gruben
  • Tanintharyi, Provinz Kayah: Zinnerze
  • Yadanatheingi Mine; Provinz Shan: Blei-, Silber- und Zink-Lagerstätte

Geologie von Myanmar

Der burmesische Granodioritbogen erstreckt sich vom äußersten NE-Himalaya gegen S entlang der burmesisch-indischen Grenze über die Andamanen und Nicobaren bis nach Indonesien. Präkambrisch-paläozoische Gesteine im S Tenasserim (Taninthari Thaing) sowie im N-E-Shan-Plateau. Am Ende des Shan-Gürtels (Myitkyina-Region) Gneise und Schiefer, welche sich bis nach Yunnan in China erstrecken. Im W Teil vergleichbar junge kretazische bis tertiäre Strata.

Lagerstätten und Bergbau

Myanmar ist bekannt für die Edelsteinvorkommen im Gebiet von Mogok, welche seit Jahrhunderten gefunden und seit dem 19. Jhd. wirtschaftlich abgebaut werden (weit mehr als 1000 Gruben). Im S des Landes Förderung von alluvialem Zinnerz (Seifenlagerstätten, engl. placer deposits); zahlreiche Wolfram- und Zinnminen (Scheelit, Kassiterit) im S Shan-Taninthari-Granitpegmatitgürtel (bekannt ist die Mawchi-Zinn-Wolfram-Grube). Chromitabbau in Kamaing und Jadeit-Förderung bei Hpakant und Mawhun (Mogaung Distrikt, Kachin State (in der älteren Literatur auch als Tawmaw, Meinmaw und Pangmaw bezeichnet). Abbauwürdiger Flußspat im S Shan-Gebirge, im Gebiet Möng Hta-Möng sowie im O des Kayah-State (ähnliche bzw. gleiche geologische Verhältnisse wie die der Flußspatlagerstätten bei Fang und Mae Hong Son in Thailand). Ende der 1990er Jahre wurde bei Phakant in N-Myanmar ein gigantischer Jadeit-Dike entdeckt. (s.u. > Hpakant).

In Myanmar existieren mehrere staatseigene Bergbauunternehmen (Edelstein, Keramik, Salz und marine Produkte, Öl und Gas), sowie zahlreiche private joint-venture Firmen und viele sehr kleine private und lokale Gesellschaften. Die wichtigste Edelstein-Bergbaugesellschaft ist die staatseigene Myanmar Gems Enterprises (MGE) mit Hauptabbau von Rubin, Saphir und Jade in Mogok und Mongshu sowie Jade in Lonekhin und Phakant in N-Myanmar. Ein Gesetz aus dem Jahr 1994 erlaubt es, dass private Firmen am Edelsteinbergbau teilnehmen; um 2000 gab es 701 Genehmigungen für Jade und 919 Genehmigungen für Edelsteine (was Rückschlüsse auf die Anzahl der Gruben gibt).

Mineral images (233 Images total)

Views (File:
): 601
rot und klar auf Marmor, Kristall 5 mm; Fundort: Magok, Myanmar
Copyright: geomueller; Contribution: Mineralienatlas
Location: Myanmar (Burma)/Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township
Mineral: Spinel
Image: 1107011259
Rating: 7 (votes: 2)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

rot und klar auf Marmor, Kristall 5 mm; Fundort: Magok, Myanmar

Copyright: geomueller
Contribution: Mineralienatlas 2005-01-29
More   MF 
Views (File:
): 251
Spinel crystal, from Mogok, Pyin-Oo-Lwin District, Mandalay Division, Burma; Size 12 x 11 x 6 mm
Copyright: pegmatite; Contribution: pegmatite
Collection: pegmatite
Location: Myanmar (Burma)/Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township
Mineral: Spinel
Image: 1449549148
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Spinel crystal, from Mogok, Pyin-Oo-Lwin District, Mandalay Division, Burma; Size 12 x 11 x 6 mm

Collection: pegmatite
Copyright: pegmatite
Contribution: pegmatite 2015-12-08
More   MF 
Views (File:
): 200
FO.: Mogok Township, Pyin-Oo-Lwin Distrikt, Mandalay-Division, Myanmar (Burma) / Stufengröße: 1,6 x 1,2 cm, X 6 mm
Copyright: Hrouda; Contribution: Hrouda
Collection: Hrouda
Location: Myanmar (Burma)/Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township
Mineral: Spinel
Image: 1611605224
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

FO.: Mogok Township, Pyin-Oo-Lwin Distrikt, Mandalay-Division, Myanmar (Burma) / Stufengröße: 1,6 x 1,2 cm, X 6 mm

Collection: Hrouda
Copyright: Hrouda
Contribution: Hrouda 2021-01-25
More   MF 
Views (File:
): 5686
Größe: 30x20x08 mm; Fundort: Ohngaing, Mogok, Sagaing, Mandalay Division, Myanmar
Copyright: Rob Lavinsky; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: Myanmar (Burma)/Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal/Ohngaing
Mineral: Painite
Image: 1280617725
Rating: 6 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Größe: 30x20x08 mm; Fundort: Ohngaing, Mogok, Sagaing, Mandalay Division, Myanmar

Copyright: Rob Lavinsky
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2010-07-31
More   MF 
Views (File:
): 554
Größe: 17x13 mm; Fundort: Ketchel, Momeik, Shan-Staat, Myanmar
Copyright: John Sobolewski; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: Myanmar (Burma)/Shan-Staat/Kyaukme, Distrikt/Möng Mit (Momeik) Township/Khetchel (Cache; Khat Che)/Palelni Mine (Kat Chay Mine)
Mineral: Rubellite
Image: 1274645736
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Größe: 17x13 mm; Fundort: Ketchel, Momeik, Shan-Staat, Myanmar

Copyright: John Sobolewski
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2010-05-23
More   MF 

Minerals (Count: 277)



- Click on one or more elements to see only minerals including this elements (green background).

- Click twice to exclude minerals with this element (green background, red text color).

wird nicht erwähnt in Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
3 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Afghanite ?r
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.57)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)

Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.57)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Kyauk-Pyat-That/Sakangyi (Sakhan-gyi))
'Allanite group'r
Garzantzi, E., Wang, J., Vezzoli, G. u. Limonta, M. (2016)
(Irrawaddy River Basin)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.57)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.57)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.58)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.58)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
'Antimony Ochre'r
Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Pein Chit)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.58)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Avdeevite (TL)r
Agakhanov, A.A., Stepanenko, D.A., Zubkova, N.V., Pekov, I.V., Pautov, L.A., Kasatkin, A.V., Karpenko, V.Y., Agakhanova, V.A., Škoda, R. and Britvin, S.N. (2019) Avdeevite, IMA 2018-109. CNMNC Newsletter No. 47, February 2019, page 199; European Journal of Mineralogy, 31, 199–204.

A. A. Agakhanov, D. A. Stepanenko, N. V. Zubkova, L. A. Pautov, I. V. Pekov, A. V. Kasatkin, V. Yu. Karpenko, V. A. Agakhanova, R. Škoda, S. N. Britvin, D. Yu. Pushcharovsky: Avdeevite, a Na-Dominant Alkali Beryl: Determination as Valid Mineral Species and New Data. Geology of Ore Deposits Vol. 63, Nr. 7 (2021) S. 654–667.
(Shan-Staat/Kyaukme, Distrikt/Möng Mit (Momeik) Township/Khetchel (Cache; Khat Che)/Palelni Mine (Kat Chay Mine))
1 PM
'Axinite group'r
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.59)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.59)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Agakhanov, A.A., Stepanenko, D.A., Zubkova, N.V., Pekov, I.V., Pautov, L.A., Kasatkin, A.V., Karpenko, V.Y., Agakhanova, V.A., Škoda, R. and Britvin, S.N. (2019) Avdeevite, IMA 2018-109. CNMNC Newsletter No. 47, February 2019, page 199; European Journal of Mineralogy, 31, 199–204.
(Shan-Staat/Kyaukme, Distrikt/Möng Mit (Momeik) Township/Khetchel (Cache; Khat Che)/Palelni Mine (Kat Chay Mine))

Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.59)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
wird nicht erwähnt in Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
2 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.61)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.61)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)

Wei Mao; Hong Zhong ; Jiehua Yang; Yanwen Tang; Liang Liu; Yazhou Fu; Xingchun Zhang; Kyaing Sein; Soe Myint Aung; Jie Li; Le Zhang: Combined Zircon, Molybdenite, and Cassiterite Geochronology and Cassiterite Geochemistry of the Kuntabin Tin-Tungsten Deposit in Myanmar. Economic Geology Vol. 115, Nr. 3 (2020) S. 603–625.
(Tanintharyi-Division/Myeik, Distrikt/Kuntabin)
Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Pein Chit)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Kong Hsut)
Naing Aung Khant, Adam Piestrzynski, Chungwan Lim: Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy of Phayaung Taung, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. Geosciences Journal Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (2021) S. 145–156.
(Mandalay-Division/Patheingyi Township/Phayaung Taung Goldlagerstätte)
'Chlorite group'r
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.62)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
wird nicht erwähnt in Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.62)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Cleavelandite (Var.: Albite)r
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.57)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.62)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
'Clinopyroxene group'r
(Irrawaddy River Basin/Hinthada, Distrikt/Quenggouk/Quenggouk Meteorit)
'Columbite supergroup'r
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.63)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.63)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.63-86)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)

Ted Themelis (2008) Gems & mines of Mogok
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Chaung-Gyi Tal/Wa-hkan-sho)
18 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.86)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.87)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.87)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
wird nicht erwähnt in Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.87)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Eckermannite (TL)r
Oberti, R., Boiocchi, M., Hawthorne, F.C., Ball, N.A. and Harlow, G.E. (2014) Eckermannite, IMA 2013-136. CNMNC Newsletter No. 20, June 2014, page 553; Mineralogical Magazine, 78, 549-558.

Roberta Oberti, Massimo Boiocchi, Frank C. Hawthorne, Neil A. Ball, George E. Harlow: Eckermannite revised: The new holotype from the Jade Mine Tract, Myanmar—crystal structure, mineral data, and hints on the reasons for the rarity of eckermannite. American Mineralogist Vol. 100, Nr. 4 (2015) S. 909-914.
(Kachin-Staat/Mohnyin, Distrikt/Hpakant Township/Hpakant-Tawmaw Jade-Gangzug)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.58, 88)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.88)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.88)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
8 PM
Electrum (Var.: Gold)r
Naing Aung Khant, Adam Piestrzynski, Chungwan Lim: Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy of Phayaung Taung, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. Geosciences Journal Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (2021) S. 145–156.
(Mandalay-Division/Patheingyi Township/Phayaung Taung Goldlagerstätte)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.89)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
3 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Fabrièsite (TL)r
Ferraris, C., Pont, S., Parodi, G.C., Rondeau, B. and Lorand, J.P. (2013) Fabriesite, IMA 2012-080. CNMNC Newsletter No. 15, February 2013, page 10; Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 112.

Cristiano Ferraris, Gian Carlo Parodi, Sylvain Pont, Benjamin Rondeau, Jean-Pierre Lorand: Trinepheline and fabriesite: two new mineral species from the jadeite deposit of Tawmaw (Myanmar). Eur J Mineral Vol. 26 (2014) S. 257-265.
(Kachin-Staat/Mohnyin, Distrikt/Hpakant Township/Hpakant-Tawmaw Jade-Gangzug/Tawmaw)
1 PM
'Feldspar group'r
Garzantzi, E., Wang, J., Vezzoli, G. u. Limonta, M. (2016)
(Irrawaddy River Basin)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.92)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.92)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
3 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.92)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.92)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
5 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.93-94)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
15 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.93)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
2 PM
Maxwell C. Day; Frank C. Hawthorne; Umberto Susta; Giancarlo Della Ventura; George E. Harlow: Gem amphiboles from Mogok, Myanmar: crystal-structure refinement, infrared spectroscopy and short-range order–disorder in gem pargasite and fluoro-pargasite. Mineralogical Magazine September Vol.83, Nr. 3 (2019) S. 361-371.

Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.58)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)

Maxwell C. Day; Frank C. Hawthorne; Umberto Susta; Giancarlo Della Ventura; George E. Harlow: Gem amphiboles from Mogok, Myanmar: crystal-structure refinement, infrared spectroscopy and short-range order–disorder in gem pargasite and fluoro-pargasite. Mineralogical Magazine Vol.83, Nr. 3 (2018) S. 361-371.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.87)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.94)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
3 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)

Naing Aung Khant, Adam Piestrzynski, Chungwan Lim: Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy of Phayaung Taung, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. Geosciences Journal Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (2021) S. 145–156.
(Mandalay-Division/Patheingyi Township/Phayaung Taung Goldlagerstätte)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.100)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Hafnian Zircon (Var.: Zircon)r
Pavel M. Kartashov
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Kyauk-Pyat-That/Myan Gyi mine (Myaing-Gyi Mine))
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.100)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)

Naing Aung Khant, Adam Piestrzynski, Chungwan Lim: Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy of Phayaung Taung, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. Geosciences Journal Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (2021) S. 145–156.
(Mandalay-Division/Patheingyi Township/Phayaung Taung Goldlagerstätte)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.100)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Naing Aung Khant, Adam Piestrzynski, Chungwan Lim: Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy of Phayaung Taung, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. Geosciences Journal Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (2021) S. 145–156.
(Mandalay-Division/Patheingyi Township/Phayaung Taung Goldlagerstätte)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.100)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.58)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.101)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
(Irrawaddy River Basin/Hinthada, Distrikt/Quenggouk/Quenggouk Meteorit)

Shi, G.H., Zhu, X.K., Deng, J., Mao, Q., Liu, Y. ., & Li, G.W. (2011).
(Kachin-Staat/Mohnyin, Distrikt/Hpakant Township/Hpakant-Tawmaw Jade-Gangzug)
Jadeite (TL)r
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
9 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.101)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.102)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
2 PM
Johnkoivulaite (TL)r
Aaron C. Palke; Lawrence M. Henling; Chi Ma ; George R. Rossman; Ziyin Sun, Nathan Renfro; Anthony R. Kampf; Kyaw Thu; Nay Myo;Patcharee Wongrawang; Vararut Weeramonkhonlert: Johnkoivulaite, Cs(Be2B)Mg2Si6O18, a new mineral of the beryl group from the gem deposits of Mogok, Myanmar. American Mineralogist Vol. 106, Nr. 11 (2021) S. 1844-1851.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Pein Pyit)
1 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Kong Hsut)
Katophorite (TL)r
Oberti, R., Boiocchi, M., Hawthorne, F.C., Ball, N.A. and Harlow, G.E. (2014) Katophorite, IMA 2013-140. CNMNC Newsletter No. 20, June 2014, page 554; Mineralogical Magazine, 78, 549-558.
(Kachin-Staat/Mohnyin, Distrikt/Hpakant Township/Hpakant-Tawmaw Jade-Gangzug)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.102)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Kyawthuite (TL)r
Kampf, A.R., Rossman, G.R. and Ma, C. (2015) Kyawthuite, IMA 2015-078. CNMNC Newsletter No. 28, December 2015, page 1863; Mineralogical Magazine, 79, 1859–1864.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Chaung-Gyi Tal)
Labradorite (Var.: Anorthite)r
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.103)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Limonit pseudomorph nach Pyritkristallen
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.110)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.103)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Chaung-Gyi Tal/Chaung-gyi-ah-le-ywa)

Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.103)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Bihan Lin, Xingtong Li, Longbo Zhang, Xiaojing Lai, Qian Zhang: Gemological and Luminescence Characteristics of Taaffeites from Mogok, Myanmar. Minerals Vol. 13, Nr. 3 (2023) Art-Nr. 346.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal/Ohngaing)

Bihan Lin, Xingtong Li, Longbo Zhang, Xiaojing Lai, Qian Zhang: Gemological and Luminescence Characteristics of Taaffeites from Mogok, Myanmar. Minerals Vol. 13, Nr. 3 (2023) Art-Nr. 346.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal)
2 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.115)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.104)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
9 PM
Wei Mao; Hong Zhong ; Jiehua Yang; Yanwen Tang; Liang Liu; Yazhou Fu; Xingchun Zhang; Kyaing Sein; Soe Myint Aung; Jie Li; Le Zhang: Combined Zircon, Molybdenite, and Cassiterite Geochronology and Cassiterite Geochemistry of the Kuntabin Tin-Tungsten Deposit in Myanmar. Economic Geology Vol. 115, Nr. 3 (2020) S. 603–625.
(Tanintharyi-Division/Myeik, Distrikt/Kuntabin)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.104)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.57)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.104)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.105)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
'Olivine group'r
(Irrawaddy River Basin/Hinthada, Distrikt/Quenggouk/Quenggouk Meteorit)

Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.94)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.105)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
5 PM
'Orthopyroxene group'r
Ashworth, J.R.; Mallinson, L.G.; Hutchison, R.; Biggar, G.M. (1984):
(Irrawaddy River Basin/Hinthada, Distrikt/Quenggouk/Quenggouk Meteorit)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Painite (TL)r
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.106-108)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
4 PM
Maxwell C. Day; Frank C. Hawthorne; Umberto Susta; Giancarlo Della Ventura; George E. Harlow: Gem amphiboles from Mogok, Myanmar: crystal-structure refinement, infrared spectroscopy and short-range order–disorder in gem pargasite and fluoro-pargasite. Mineralogical Magazine September Vol.83, Nr. 3 (2019) S. 361-371.

Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.108)

Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.58)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)

Maxwell C. Day; Frank C. Hawthorne; Umberto Susta; Giancarlo Della Ventura; George E. Harlow: Gem amphiboles from Mogok, Myanmar: crystal-structure refinement, infrared spectroscopy and short-range order–disorder in gem pargasite and fluoro-pargasite. Mineralogical Magazine Vol.83, Nr. 3 (2018) S. 361-371.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.108)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Naing Aung Khant, Adam Piestrzynski, Chungwan Lim: Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy of Phayaung Taung, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. Geosciences Journal Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (2021) S. 145–156.
(Mandalay-Division/Patheingyi Township/Phayaung Taung Goldlagerstätte)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
6 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.108)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
5 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.109)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
3 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.110)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)

Naing Aung Khant, Adam Piestrzynski, Chungwan Lim: Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy of Phayaung Taung, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. Geosciences Journal Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (2021) S. 145–156.
(Mandalay-Division/Patheingyi Township/Phayaung Taung Goldlagerstätte)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.110)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Garzantzi, E., Wang, J., Vezzoli, G. u. Limonta, M. (2016)
(Irrawaddy River Basin)

Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.110-114)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)

Naing Aung Khant, Adam Piestrzynski, Chungwan Lim: Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy of Phayaung Taung, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. Geosciences Journal Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (2021) S. 145–156.
(Mandalay-Division/Patheingyi Township/Phayaung Taung Goldlagerstätte)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Dawfu)

Wei Mao; Hong Zhong ; Jiehua Yang; Yanwen Tang; Liang Liu; Yazhou Fu; Xingchun Zhang; Kyaing Sein; Soe Myint Aung; Jie Li; Le Zhang: Combined Zircon, Molybdenite, and Cassiterite Geochronology and Cassiterite Geochemistry of the Kuntabin Tin-Tungsten Deposit in Myanmar. Economic Geology Vol. 115, Nr. 3 (2020) S. 603–625.
(Tanintharyi-Division/Myeik, Distrikt/Kuntabin)
37 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Ruby (Var.: Corundum)r
Longpei Zhao, Geng Li and Liqun Weng: Gemological and Spectroscopic Characteristics of “Jedi” Spinel from Man Sin, Myanmar. Minerals Vol. 12, Nr. 11 2022) Art-Nr. 1359.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Pein Pyit/Man Sin)

Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.63-80)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)

Ted Themelis (2008) Gems & mines of Mogok
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Chaung-Gyi Tal/Wa-hkan-sho)
19 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.114)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.115)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Sapphire (Var.: Corundum)r
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.81-86)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)

Ted Themelis (2008) Gems & mines of Mogok
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Chaung-Gyi Tal/Wa-hkan-sho)
14 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.115)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.116)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.116)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Kong Hsut)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.116)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
2 PM
Sericite (Var.: Muscovite)r
Naing Aung Khant, Adam Piestrzynski, Chungwan Lim: Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy of Phayaung Taung, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. Geosciences Journal Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (2021) S. 145–156.
(Mandalay-Division/Patheingyi Township/Phayaung Taung Goldlagerstätte)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.116)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.116)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
3 PM
'Sodalite group'r
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.118)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.119)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Iveta Malíčková, Peter Bačík, Jana Fridrichová, Radek Hanus, Ľudmila Illášová, Ján Štubňa, Daniel Furka, Samuel Furka, Radek Škoda: Optical and Luminescence Spectroscopy of Varicolored Gem Spinel from Mogok, Myanmar and Lục Yên, Vietnam. Minerals Vol. 11, Nr. 2 (2021) Art.-Nr. 169.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal)

Longpei Zhao, Geng Li and Liqun Weng: Gemological and Spectroscopic Characteristics of “Jedi” Spinel from Man Sin, Myanmar. Minerals Vol. 12, Nr. 11 2022) Art-Nr. 1359.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Pein Pyit/Man Sin)

Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.119-125)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)

Ted Themelis (2008) Gems & mines of Mogok
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Chaung-Gyi Tal/Wa-hkan-sho)
20 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.136)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
2 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.63)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Pein Chit)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Bawlake (Bawlakhe), Distrikt/Bawlake (Bawlakhe), Gemeinde/Hweponglaung)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Daw Ta Naw)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Dawfu)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Kawba)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Kong Hsut)

wird nicht erwähnt in Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
-R. Hutchison, A.W. R. Bevan, A.J. Easton and S.O. Agrell (1981).
(Irrawaddy River Basin/Hinthada, Distrikt/Quenggouk/Quenggouk Meteorit)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.136)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Naing Aung Khant, Adam Piestrzynski, Chungwan Lim: Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy of Phayaung Taung, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. Geosciences Journal Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (2021) S. 145–156.
(Mandalay-Division/Patheingyi Township/Phayaung Taung Goldlagerstätte)
Shi, G., G.E. Harlow, J. Wang, J. Wang, E. Ng, X. Wang, S. Cao and W. CUI (2012):
(Kachin-Staat/Mohnyin, Distrikt/Hpakant Township/Hpakant-Tawmaw Jade-Gangzug)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.136)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
2 PM
Titanian Aegirine (Var.: Aegirine)r
Pavel M. Kartashov
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Kyauk-Pyat-That/Myan Gyi mine (Myaing-Gyi Mine))
Di Zhang, Shun Guo, Yi Chen, Qiuli Li, Xiaoxiao Ling, Chuanzhou Liu, Kyaing Sein: ~25 Ma Ruby Mineralization in the Mogok Stone Tract, Myanmar: New Evidence from SIMS U–Pb Dating of Coexisting Titanite. Minerals Vol. 11, Nr. 5 (2021) Art.-Nr. 536.
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal)

Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.136)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Titan-uranoan Oxycalciopyrochlore (Var.: Oxycalciopyrochlore)r
Pavel M. Kartashov
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Kyauk-Pyat-That/Myan Gyi mine (Myaing-Gyi Mine))
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.123-131)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
12 PM
'Tourmaline supergroup'r
Naing Aung Khant, Adam Piestrzynski, Chungwan Lim: Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy of Phayaung Taung, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. Geosciences Journal Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (2021) S. 145–156.
(Mandalay-Division/Patheingyi Township/Phayaung Taung Goldlagerstätte)
20 PM
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.136)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Trinepheline (TL)r
Parodi, G.C., Pont, S., Ferraris, C., Rondeau, B. und Lorand, J.P. (2012) Trinepheline, IMA 2012-024. CNMNC Newsletter No. 14, October 2012, page 1283; Mineralogical Magazine, 76, 1281-1288.

Cristiano Ferraris, Gian Carlo Parodi, Sylvain Pont, Benjamin Rondeau, Jean-Pierre Lorand: Trinepheline and fabriesite: two new mineral species from the jadeite deposit of Tawmaw (Myanmar). Eur J Mineral Vol. 26 (2014) S. 257-265.
(Kachin-Staat/Mohnyin, Distrikt/Hpakant Township/Hpakant-Tawmaw Jade-Gangzug/Tawmaw)
1 PM
(Irrawaddy River Basin/Hinthada, Distrikt/Quenggouk/Quenggouk Meteorit)
'Unnamed (Gd-dominant monazite)'r
Pavel M. Kartashov
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Kyauk-Pyat-That/Myan Gyi mine (Myaing-Gyi Mine))
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.131-132)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Shi, G., G.E. Harlow, J. Wang, J. Wang, E. Ng, X. Wang, S. Cao and W. CUI (2012):
(Kachin-Staat/Mohnyin, Distrikt/Hpakant Township/Hpakant-Tawmaw Jade-Gangzug)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.87)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
2 PM
Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Kong Hsut)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.136)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.132)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Wei Mao; Hong Zhong ; Jiehua Yang; Yanwen Tang; Liang Liu; Yazhou Fu; Xingchun Zhang; Kyaing Sein; Soe Myint Aung; Jie Li; Le Zhang: Combined Zircon, Molybdenite, and Cassiterite Geochronology and Cassiterite Geochemistry of the Kuntabin Tin-Tungsten Deposit in Myanmar. Economic Geology Vol. 115, Nr. 3 (2020) S. 603–625.
(Tanintharyi-Division/Myeik, Distrikt/Kuntabin)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.136)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
Shi, G.H., Zhu, X.K., Deng, J., Mao, Q., Liu, Y. ., & Li, G.W. (2011).
(Kachin-Staat/Mohnyin, Distrikt/Hpakant Township/Hpakant-Tawmaw Jade-Gangzug)
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.135)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
2 PM
Garzantzi, E., Wang, J., Vezzoli, G. u. Limonta, M. (2016)
(Irrawaddy River Basin)

Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.132)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)

Wei Mao; Hong Zhong ; Jiehua Yang; Yanwen Tang; Liang Liu; Yazhou Fu; Xingchun Zhang; Kyaing Sein; Soe Myint Aung; Jie Li; Le Zhang: Combined Zircon, Molybdenite, and Cassiterite Geochronology and Cassiterite Geochemistry of the Kuntabin Tin-Tungsten Deposit in Myanmar. Economic Geology Vol. 115, Nr. 3 (2020) S. 603–625.
(Tanintharyi-Division/Myeik, Distrikt/Kuntabin)
8 PM
Zirconolite-3T (Poly.: Zirconolite-2M)r
Moore, T.P., Mauthner, M., Wilson, W.E.: History, Mines and Minerals of the Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Burma. Mineralogical Record Vol. 53, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 13-140. (S.132)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township)
2 PM
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Actuality: 08. Sep 2024 - 02:08:30

Rocks (Count: 56)

Garzantzi, E., Wang, J., Vezzoli, G. u. Limonta, M. (2016).
(Irrawaddy River Basin)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal)
Garzantzi, E., Wang, J., Vezzoli, G. u. Limonta, M. (2016)
(Irrawaddy River Basin)
Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Pein Chit)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Daw Ta Naw)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Kong Hsut)
glacial erraticr
(Irrawaddy River Basin)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal)
Wei Mao; Hong Zhong ; Jiehua Yang; Yanwen Tang; Liang Liu; Yazhou Fu; Xingchun Zhang; Kyaing Sein; Soe Myint Aung; Jie Li; Le Zhang: Combined Zircon, Molybdenite, and Cassiterite Geochronology and Cassiterite Geochemistry of the Kuntabin Tin-Tungsten Deposit in Myanmar. Economic Geology Vol. 115, Nr. 3 (2020) S. 603–625.
(Tanintharyi-Division/Myeik, Distrikt/Kuntabin)
Garzantzi, E., Wang, J., Vezzoli, G. u. Limonta, M. (2016)
(Irrawaddy River Basin)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal)
Wei Mao; Hong Zhong ; Jiehua Yang; Yanwen Tang; Liang Liu; Yazhou Fu; Xingchun Zhang; Kyaing Sein; Soe Myint Aung; Jie Li; Le Zhang: Combined Zircon, Molybdenite, and Cassiterite Geochronology and Cassiterite Geochemistry of the Kuntabin Tin-Tungsten Deposit in Myanmar. Economic Geology Vol. 115, Nr. 3 (2020) S. 603–625.
(Tanintharyi-Division/Myeik, Distrikt/Kuntabin)
(Irrawaddy River Basin)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Pein Chit)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Kawba)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Kong Hsut)
Garzantzi, E., Wang, J., Vezzoli, G. u. Limonta, M. (2016)
(Irrawaddy River Basin)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal)
Garzantzi, E., Wang, J., Vezzoli, G. u. Limonta, M. (2016).
(Irrawaddy River Basin)
metamorphic rocks and metasedimentsr
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal)
metasedimentary rockr
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal)
Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Pein Chit)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Kong Hsut)
Garzantzi, E., Wang, J., Vezzoli, G. u. Limonta, M. (2016)
(Irrawaddy River Basin)
pegmatitic graniter
A. A. Agakhanov, D. A. Stepanenko, N. V. Zubkova, L. A. Pautov, I. V. Pekov, A. V. Kasatkin, V. Yu. Karpenko, V. A. Agakhanova, R. Škoda, S. N. Britvin, D. Yu. Pushcharovsky: Avdeevite, a Na-Dominant Alkali Beryl: Determination as Valid Mineral Species and New Data. Geology of Ore Deposits Vol. 63, Nr. 7 (2021) S. 654–667.
(Shan-Staat/Kyaukme, Distrikt/Möng Mit (Momeik) Township/Khetchel (Cache; Khat Che)/Palelni Mine (Kat Chay Mine))
Naing Aung Khant, Adam Piestrzynski, Chungwan Lim: Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy of Phayaung Taung, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. Geosciences Journal Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (2021) S. 145–156.
(Mandalay-Division/Patheingyi Township/Phayaung Taung Goldlagerstätte)
Naing Aung Khant, Adam Piestrzynski, Chungwan Lim: Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy of Phayaung Taung, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. Geosciences Journal Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (2021) S. 145–156.
(Mandalay-Division/Patheingyi Township/Phayaung Taung Goldlagerstätte)
(Irrawaddy River Basin)
Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Bawlake (Bawlakhe), Distrikt/Bawlake (Bawlakhe), Gemeinde/Hweponglaung)
Garzantzi, E., Wang, J., Vezzoli, G. u. Limonta, M. (2016)
(Irrawaddy River Basin)
(Mandalay-Division/Pyin-Oo-Lwin, Distrikt/Mogok Township/Mogok, Tal)

Naing Aung Khant, Adam Piestrzynski, Chungwan Lim: Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy of Phayaung Taung, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. Geosciences Journal Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (2021) S. 145–156.
(Mandalay-Division/Patheingyi Township/Phayaung Taung Goldlagerstätte)
sedimentary rocks and sedimentsr
(Irrawaddy River Basin)
Garzantzi, E., Wang, J., Vezzoli, G. u. Limonta, M. (2016).
(Irrawaddy River Basin)
(Irrawaddy River Basin)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Pein Chit)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Daw Ta Naw)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Dawfu)

Toe Aung Kyaw (2017) Antimony deposits of Myanmar. Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Myanmar Gems Museum, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. 652
(Kayah (Karenni), Staat/Loikaw, Distrikt/Kong Hsut)
Garzantzi, E., Wang, J., Vezzoli, G. u. Limonta, M. (2016)
(Irrawaddy River Basin)
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Actuality: 08. Sep 2024 - 02:08:30

Fossil images (9 Images total)

Silifiziertes Holz
Views (File:
): 10
Silifiziertes Holz
Unbestimmte Laubbaum-Art, Qu. 11,5 x 12,5 cm; Tertiär; FO: Irrawaddy River Basin, Myanmar (früheres Burma)
Copyright: Wolfgang Putz; Contribution: oliverOliver
Collection: Wolfgang Putz, Collection number: 2534
Location: Myanmar (Burma)/Irrawaddy River Basin
Fossil: Angiospermae
Image: 1672087048
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Silifiziertes Holz (SNr: 2534)

Unbestimmte Laubbaum-Art, Qu. 11,5 x 12,5 cm; Tertiär; FO: Irrawaddy River Basin, Myanmar (früheres Burma)

Collection: Wolfgang Putz
Copyright: Wolfgang Putz
Contribution: oliverOliver 2022-12-26
More   FoF 
Dinosaurierfeder in Bernstein
Views (File:
): 113
Dinosaurierfeder in Bernstein
Burma; Vergrößerung Bildbreite 4 mm; Alter: 100 bis 110 Millionen Jahre.
Copyright: Guy Heinen; Contribution: guyhein
Collection: Guy Heinen
Location: Myanmar (Burma)
Mineral: Amber
Fossil: Sauropsida
Image: 1593670054
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Dinosaurierfeder in Bernstein

Burma; Vergrößerung Bildbreite 4 mm; Alter: 100 bis 110 Millionen Jahre.

Collection: Guy Heinen
Copyright: Guy Heinen
Contribution: guyhein 2020-07-02
More   MFoF 
Bernstein mit Käfer und Rindenlaus.
Views (File:
): 854
Bernstein mit Käfer und Rindenlaus.
Burma; Bildbreite 8 mm; Bernstein aus Burma ist 100 bis 110 Milionen Jahre alt.
Copyright: Guy Heinen; Contribution: guyhein
Collection: Guy Heinen
Location: Myanmar (Burma)
Fossil: Coleoptera
Image: 1593364263
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Bernstein mit Käfer und Rindenlaus.

Burma; Bildbreite 8 mm; Bernstein aus Burma ist 100 bis 110 Milionen Jahre alt.

Collection: Guy Heinen
Copyright: Guy Heinen
Contribution: guyhein 2020-06-28
More   FoF 
Silifiziertes Holz
Views (File:
): 17
Silifiziertes Holz
Unbestimmte Laubbaum-Art, Qu. 10,5 x 13,5 cm; Tertiär; FO: Irrawaddy River Basin, Myanmar (früheres Burma)
Copyright: Wolfgang Putz; Contribution: oliverOliver
Collection: Wolfgang Putz, Collection number: 2491
Location: Myanmar (Burma)/Irrawaddy River Basin
Fossil: Angiospermae
Image: 1672086764
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Silifiziertes Holz (SNr: 2491)

Unbestimmte Laubbaum-Art, Qu. 10,5 x 13,5 cm; Tertiär; FO: Irrawaddy River Basin, Myanmar (früheres Burma)

Collection: Wolfgang Putz
Copyright: Wolfgang Putz
Contribution: oliverOliver 2022-12-26
More   FoF 
Views (File:
): 23
Silifizierte Palme; Längsschnitt 10 x 21 cm (bis 5 cm dickes Endstück); Miozän; FO: Irrawaddy River Basin, Myanmar (früheres Burma)
Copyright: Wolfgang Putz; Contribution: oliverOliver
Collection: Wolfgang Putz, Collection number: 2614
Location: Myanmar (Burma)/Irrawaddy River Basin
Fossil: Palmoxylon
Image: 1672086599
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Palmoxylon (SNr: 2614)

Silifizierte Palme; Längsschnitt 10 x 21 cm (bis 5 cm dickes Endstück); Miozän; FO: Irrawaddy River Basin, Myanmar (früheres Burma)

Collection: Wolfgang Putz
Copyright: Wolfgang Putz
Contribution: oliverOliver 2022-12-26
More   FoF 

Fossils (Count: 9)

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Fossil (TL) -> fossil type locality
-> pictures present
 5 -> number of part localities with these fossil
 F -> Link to common fossil page
 i -> Information etc.
 r -> Reference
Fossil ? -> Occurrence douptful

Actuality: 08. Sep 2024 - 02:08:30

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Actuality: 08. Sep 2024 - 02:08:30

External links

World Mining Report 2005 – Asia

Reference- and Source indication, Literature


  • Damour (1863). Jadeit. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Penzer, N.M. (1922). The Mineral Resources of Burma. Federation of British Industries, Intelligence Dep. G. Routledge & Sons, London, 176 S.
  • Chibber, H.L. (1934). The Mineral Resources of Burma; London. Macmillan, 320 S.
  • Brown, J.C. (1936). India’s mineral wealth: A guide to the occurrences and economics of the useful minerals of the Indian Empire. Oxford Univ. Press.
  • Krishnan, M.S. (1943). Geology of India and Burma, mit 6 Aufl., Archive.
  • Krishnan, M.S. (1944). Introduction to the Geology of India (verkürzte Version seines Buchs von 1943).
  • Griffith, S. (1956). The mineral resources of Burma. Mining Magazine, 95, 9-18.
  • Searle, D.L. and Ba Than Haq (1964). The Mogok belt of Burma and its relationship to the Himalayan orogeny. Proc. 22nd Intern. Geol. Conf., Delhi 11: S.132–61.
  • Aye, T. and Nyein, K. (1970). Review of tin and tungsten deposits of Burma. Union Burma J. Sci. Technol., 3: N.I., Verh.II, 54. 39-74.
  • Gübelin, E. (1978). Jadeit, der grüne Schatz aus Burma: Die Jadeitvorkommen in Burma. Lapis, Jg.3, Nr.2, S.17-28.
  • Goossens, P. (1978). The metallogenic provinces of Burma: Their definitions, geologic relationships and extension into China, India and Thailand. In: Nutalaya, P. (ed.). Proc. 3. Reg. Conf. Geol. Mineral Resources of SO Asia. Bangkok, Thailand, 431-92.
  • Kane, R.E.; Kammerling, R.C. (1992). Status of Ruby and Sapphire mining in the Mogok Stone Tract; Gems and Gemmology; Vol.28, 3, 152-74.
  • Krishnan, M.-S. (1982). Geology of India and Burma; New Delhi ("Bibl. collector")
  • Anonymous (1982). Note on tungsten occurrences in Burma: Tungsten Geology Symposium, Jiangxi, China, 12-22 Oct. 1981, UN Econ. Social Comm. Asia-Pacific (ESCAP)/Regional Mineral Resources Devel. Centre (Bandung, Indonesia), Proc.: 45-48.
  • Anonymous (1985). Le Secteur Minier en Birmanie. Unpubl. Rep., Ambassade de France en Birmanie, Rangoon, 116 .
  • Bender, F. (1983). Geology of Burma. Borntraeger, Berlin, 293 S.
  • Khin, Z. (1990). Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks in Burma: with special reference to the associated W-Sn mineralization and their tectonic setting. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, Vol.4, No.4, S.293-335.
  • Fan, P.F. u. Ko Ko (1994). Accreted terranes and mineral deposits of Myanmar. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, 10, 95-100.
  • Econ. & Soc. Commision for Asia & the Pazific (1996). Atlas of Mineral Resources of the ESCAP Region, No.12. Geol. & Mineral Resources of Myanmar. United Nations.
  • Themelis, T. (2000). Mogôk - Valley of Rubies & Sapphires. A & T Publ., Los Angeles, USA, 272 S.
  • Wu, J.C. (2000). The Mineral Industry of Burma (Myanmar); U.S. Geol. Survey Min. Yearbook-2000.
  • Schlüssel, R. (2002): Mogok Myanmar: Eine Reise durch Burma zu den schönsten Rubinen und Saphiren der Welt. Weise Verlag, München, 280 S.
  • Themelis, T. (2008). Gems and mines of Mogok. A & T Publ., Los Angeles, USA, 352 S. Note: some coordinates were correct in the previous ed. (Themelis 2000), but are wrong in this ed.
  • Krishnan, M.S. (2009). Geology of India and Burma. CBS Publ. & Distributors, New Delhi, India, 536 S.
  • Fong-Sam, Y. (2009). The Mineral Industry of Burma. U.S. Geol. Survey Minerals Yearbook 2009, 5 S.
  • Pramumijoyo, S., Kyaw Linn Zaw & Kyav Zin Lat (2010). Report On Regional Geology of Myanmar (2010). DEPARTMENT OF GEOL. ENGINEERING, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, Gadjah Mada Univ.
  • Locker, H. (2013). Unter Schmugglern: Buntes aus Burma. Lapis, Jg.38, Nr.10, S.34-39.
  • Wang, H. et al. (2013). The W-Sn Metallogenic System of the Tengchong-Moulmein Tectonic Magmatic Belt, Yunnan-Myanmar: With Special Ref. Some Typical Ore Deposits. Geol. Explor., 49(1), 89-98.
  • Gardiner, N.J., Robb, L.J., and Searle, M.P. (2014). The metallogenic provinces of Myanmar. Applied Earth Science, 123, 25-38.
  • Harald Elsner (Ed.) (2014). DERA Rohstoffinformationen Nr.20: Zinn - Angebot und Nachfrage bis 2020. Myanmar. Deutsche Rohstoffagentur: BA Geowiss. u. Rohstoffe, Hannover. S.173ff.
  • Yolanda Fong-Sam (2015). 2015 Minerals Yearbook. U.S. Dep. of the Interior u. U.S. Geol. Survey. BURMA.
  • Gardiner, N.J., Sykes, J.P., Trench, A., and Robb, L.J. (2015). Tin mining in Myanmar: Production and potential. Resources Policy, 46, 219-233.
  • Gardiner, N.J., Searle, M.P., Robb, L.J., and Morley, C.K. (2015). Neo-Tethyan magmatism and metallogeny in Myanmar - An Andean analogue? J. Asian Earth Sciences, 106, 197-215.
  • Barber, A.J., Khin Zaw, Crow, M.J., and Rangin, C. (2017). Myanmar: Geology, Resources and Tectonics. Geol. Soc. Memoir No.48, Geol. Soc., London, 776 S.
  • A.J. Barber, K. Zaw & M.J. Crow (2017). Myanmar. Geology, Resources and Tectonics. Geol. Soc. Memoir Nr.48.
  • J.T. v. Gorsel (2018). Bibliography of the geology of Indonesia and surrounding Areas. Ed.7.0. Bibl. Indon. Geology.
  • A. Mitchel (2018). Geological Belts, Plate Boundaries and Mineral Deposits in Myanmar. Elsevier. 508 S.
  • Aung, Myo Myint et al. (2022). "Paleogeographic Evolution of Southeast Asia: Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Katha-Gangaw Range, Northern Myanmar" Minerals 12, no.12: 1632.



GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) WpOUaq-FV0qBebquhPoYNQ
GUID (Global unique identifier) 6A94935A-85AF-4A57-8179-BAAE84FA1835
Database ID 927