


Path to the site

Norwegen / Nordland, Provinz / Narvik, Kommune / Hundholmen

Exposure description

Steinbruch. (aufgelassen 1960).


Granit-Pegmatit. Feldspat-Abbau.

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Hundholmen, Narvik, Kommune, Nordland, NO
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Important: Before entering this or any other place of discovery you should have a permission of the operator and/or owner. Likewise it is to be respected that necessary safety precautions are kept during the visit.

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Norwegen / Nordland, Provinz / Narvik, Kommune / Hundholmen


Norway / Nordland, Provinz / Narvik, Kommune / Hundholmen

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Mineral images (5 Images total)

Views (File:
): 1068
Blockiger braunschwarzer Kristall, Bildbreite = 16,5 mm, Fundort: Hundholmen, Tysfjord, Provinz Nordland, Norwegen.
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer; Contribution: Münchener Micromounter
Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter, Collection number: A021107, Donator: Lars O. Kvamsdal
Location: Norwegen/Nordland, Provinz/Narvik, Kommune/Hundholmen
Mineral: Fluorthalénite-(Y)
Image: 1345995588
Rating: 7 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Fluorthalénit-(Y) (SNr: A021107)

Blockiger braunschwarzer Kristall, Bildbreite = 16,5 mm, Fundort: Hundholmen, Tysfjord, Provinz Nordland, Norwegen.

Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer
Contribution: Münchener Micromounter 2012-08-26
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Views (File:
): 1915
Fundort: Hundholmen, Tysfjord, Nordland, Norwegen; Kristall 1,2 cm
Copyright: Michael K.; Contribution: Michael K.
Collection: Michael K.
Location: Norwegen/Nordland, Provinz/Narvik, Kommune/Hundholmen
Mineral: Thalénite-(Y)
Image: 1192997977
Rating: 8 (votes: 2)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Fundort: Hundholmen, Tysfjord, Nordland, Norwegen; Kristall 1,2 cm

Collection: Michael K.
Copyright: Michael K.
Contribution: Michael K. 2007-10-21
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Views (File:
): 453
Yttrofluorit mit Allanit-(Ce); Größe: 32x27 mm; Fundort: Hundholmen, Tysfjord, Provinz Nordland, Norwegen
Copyright: Philip Blümner; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: Norwegen/Nordland, Provinz/Narvik, Kommune/Hundholmen
Mineral: Fluorite
Image: 1297272521
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Yttrofluorit mit Allanit-(Ce); Größe: 32x27 mm; Fundort: Hundholmen, Tysfjord, Provinz Nordland, Norwegen

Copyright: Philip Blümner
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2011-02-09
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blättrig geschichteter silbriger Molybdänit
Views (File:
): 88
blättrig geschichteter silbriger Molybdänit
Norwegen/Nordland, Provinz/Tysfjord/Hundholmen, BB = 4,0 mm
Copyright: husi; Contribution: Münchener Micromounter
Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter, Collection number: A040533, Donator: Hannes Rose
Location: Norwegen/Nordland, Provinz/Narvik, Kommune/Hundholmen
Mineral: Molybdenite
Image: 1606206624
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
blättrig geschichteter silbriger Molybdänit (SNr: A040533)

Norwegen/Nordland, Provinz/Tysfjord/Hundholmen, BB = 4,0 mm

Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter
Copyright: husi
Contribution: Münchener Micromounter 2020-11-24
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Views (File:
): 1417
rosafarbene Kristalle, Fundort: Hundholmen, Tysfjord, Nordland, Norwegen; Breite der Stufe ca. 3 cm,
Copyright: Michael K.; Contribution: Michael K.
Collection: Michael K.
Location: Norwegen/Nordland, Provinz/Narvik, Kommune/Hundholmen
Mineral: Thalénite-(Y)
Image: 1192997466
Rating: 6.67 (votes: 3)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

rosafarbene Kristalle, Fundort: Hundholmen, Tysfjord, Nordland, Norwegen; Breite der Stufe ca. 3 cm,

Collection: Michael K.
Copyright: Michael K.
Contribution: Michael K. 2007-10-21
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Minerals (Count: 67)



- Click on one or more elements to see only minerals including this elements (green background).

- Click twice to exclude minerals with this element (green background, red text color).

Husdal, T.: The minerals of the pegmatites within the Tysfjord granite, northern Norway. Norsk Bergverksmuseum skrift Vol. 38 (2008) S. 18.
(Nordland, Provinz/Narvik, Kommune/Hundholmen)
Husdal, T.: The minerals of the pegmatites within the Tysfjord granite, northern Norway. Norsk Bergverksmuseum skrift Vol. 38 (2008) S. 18.
(Nordland, Provinz/Narvik, Kommune/Hundholmen)
Husdal, T.: The minerals of the pegmatites within the Tysfjord granite, northern Norway. Norsk Bergverksmuseum skrift Vol. 38 (2008) S. 18.
(Nordland, Provinz/Narvik, Kommune/Hundholmen)
Perbøeite-(Ce) (TL)r
(Nordland, Provinz/Narvik, Kommune/Hundholmen)
'Stilbite series'r
Vogt, T. (1922): Über Thalenit von Hundholmen im nördlichen Norwegen. in Brøgger, W.C, Vogt, Th. & Schetelig, J. (1922): Die Mineralien der südnorwegischen Granitpegmatitgänge. II. Silikate der seltenen Erde. Videnskapsselskapets Skrifter. I.Mat-Naturv. Klasse 1922. 11, 19-47.

Husdal, T.: The minerals of the pegmatites within the Tysfjord granite, northern Norway. Norsk Bergverksmuseum skrift Vol. 38 (2008) S. 18.
(Nordland, Provinz/Narvik, Kommune/Hundholmen)
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Actuality: 02. Dec 2024 - 18:11:21

Rocks (Count: 2)

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Rock -> name of the rock
Rock (TL) -> rock type locality
-> pictures present
 5 -> number of part localities with these rock
 R -> Link to common rock page
 i -> Information etc.
 r -> Reference
Rock ? -> Occurrence douptful

Actuality: 02. Dec 2024 - 18:11:20

Subsidiary Pages

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Actuality: 02. Dec 2024 - 18:11:21

Reference- and Source indication, Literature


  • Vogt, T. (1923): Über die seltenen Erden im Yttrofluorit von Hundholmen. Centralb. Min., Geol. Paläont., 673-76.
  • Vogt, T. (1922): Über Thalenit von Hundholmen im nördlichen Norwegen. in Brøgger, W.C, Vogt, Th. & Schetelig, J. (1922): Die Mineralien der südnorwegischen Granitpegmatitgänge. II. Silikate der seltenen Erde. Videnskapsselskapets Skrifter. I.Mat-Naturv. Klasse 1922. 11, 19-47.
  • Palache, C., Berman, H., & Frondel, C. (1951). System Miner. J.D. Dana & E.S. Dana, Yale Univ. 1837-1892, Vol.II: 276.
  • Sverdrup, T. L. (1968): Contributions to the Mineralogy of Norway No. 37. Yttrofluorite-yttrocerite-cerfluorite in norwegian pegmatites. Norsk Geol. Tidsskrift 48: 245-52.
  • Nilssen, B. (1973): Gadolinite from Hundholmen, Tysfjord, N Norway. Contribution to the mineralogy of Norway no 55. Norsk Geol. Tidsskrift, 53, 343-48.
  • Wilke, H.-J. (1976). Mineralfundstellen in Skandinavien, Bd.4, Weise Verlag, München, S.127.
  • Eldjarn, K. (1978): Ancylitt fra Hundholmen, Tysfjord. NAGS-nytt 5(3), 18..
  • Eldjarn, K. (1988). Etter Neumann. NAGS-nytt 15 (1-4), 62.
  • Kristiansen, R. (1993): Thalenitt fra Hundholmen, Tysfjord. STEIN 20 (2), 121-23.
  • Raade, G., Johnsen, O., Erambert, M. & Petersen, O.V. (2007). Hundholmenite-(Y) from Norway - new mineral species in the vicanite. group: descriptive data and crystal structure. Min. Mag., Vol.71, S.179-92. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Weiß, S. (2007). Neue Mineralien: Hundholmenit-(Y). Lapis, Jg.32, Nr.12, S.7+45-47+58.
  • Husdal, T.: The minerals of the pegmatites within the Tysfjord granite, northern Norway. Norsk Bergverksmuseum skrift Vol. 38 (2008) S. 5-28.
  • Raade, G. & Kristiansen, R. (2009): Fluorthalénite-(Y) from Hundholmen, Tysfjord, north Norway. Norsk Bergverksmuseum, skrift 41, 21-24.
  • Kolitsch, U., Husdal, T. A., Brandstätter, F. & Ertl, A. (2011) : New crystal-chemical data for members of the tourmaline group from Norway: occurences of fluor-schorl and luinaite-(OH). Norsk Bergverksmuseum Skrift 46, 17-24.
  • Yoklavich, J.L. (2010): Crystallization and reaction sequences in a NYF pegmatite: a case study from the Hundholmen locality, Norway. Undergraduate Research Thesis, Texas Tech Univ., 14 S.
  • Husdal, T. (2011): Tysfjordgranittens pegmatitter. Stein. 38 (4): 4-35.
  • Bonazzi, P., Bindi, L., Chopin, C., Husdal, T.A. and Lepore, G.O. (2011). Perbøeit-(Ce). IMA 2011-055. CNMNC Newsl., No.11, S.2888; Min.Mag., 75, 2887-93. (Typ-Publ.)


GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) 1Lk3-TdHpUOQdcKAZ1Ya5A
GUID (Global unique identifier) F937B9D4-4737-43A5-9075-C28067561AE4
Database ID 5204

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