


Path to the site

USA / New Jersey / Sussex Co. / Franklin Mining District / Franklin


Spätkambrischer Franklin-Marmor, der einer intensiven Metamorphose zum Sillimanit-Grad unterworfen wurde. Wird auch als Skarn bezeichnet. Kalksilikat-Lagen, wahllos in den Erzkörper eingeschaltet.

Zuerst Abbau vom Magnetit als Eisengrube. Dann als Zinkgrube.

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Franklin, Franklin Mining, Sussex Co., New Jersey, US
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Mineral images (129 Images total)

Views (File:
): 27
Rosarote Jerrygibbsit-Kristallaggregate, vergesellschaftet mit orangem Zinkit und schwarzem Franklinit (ohne Maßstab) von der Typlokalität Franklin Mine, New Jersey, USA.
Copyright: Wikipedia-user: David Hospital; Contribution: oliverOliver
Location: USA/New Jersey/Sussex Co./Franklin Mining District/Franklin/Franklin Mine
Mineral: Jerrygibbsite
Image: 1702036801
License: Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International  (CC BY-SA) V.4.0

Rosarote Jerrygibbsit-Kristallaggregate, vergesellschaftet mit orangem Zinkit und schwarzem Franklinit (ohne Maßstab) von der Typlokalität Franklin Mine, New Jersey, USA.

Copyright: Wikipedia-user: David Hospital
Contribution: oliverOliver 2023-12-08
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Charlesit auf Klinoedrit
Views (File:
): 977
Charlesit auf Klinoedrit
Bildbreite: 20 mm; Fundort: Franklin, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA
Copyright: Rock Currier; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: USA/New Jersey/Sussex Co./Franklin Mining District/Franklin
Mineral: Charlesite
Image: 1284059308
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Charlesit auf Klinoedrit

Bildbreite: 20 mm; Fundort: Franklin, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA

Copyright: Rock Currier
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2010-09-09
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Views (File:
): 359
Bildbreite: 2,8 mm, Fundort: Buckwheat Pit, Franklin, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA
Copyright: Public Domain; Contribution: thdun5
Location: USA/New Jersey/Sussex Co./Franklin Mining District/Franklin/Franklin Mine/Buckwheat Pit (Southwest Opening, Buckwheat Mine)
Mineral: Titanite
Image: 1344883255
Rating: 8 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Bildbreite: 2,8 mm, Fundort: Buckwheat Pit, Franklin, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA

Copyright: Public Domain
Contribution: thdun5 2012-08-13
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Views (File:
): 621
USA, New Jersey, Sussex Co., Franklin, Buckwheat Pit; Stufe - 4,7 cm;
Copyright: hkern; Contribution: hkern
Collection: hkern
Location: USA/New Jersey/Sussex Co./Franklin Mining District/Franklin/Franklin Mine/Buckwheat Pit (Southwest Opening, Buckwheat Mine)
Mineral: Rhodonite
Image: 1344586478
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

USA, New Jersey, Sussex Co., Franklin, Buckwheat Pit; Stufe - 4,7 cm;

Collection: hkern
Copyright: hkern
Contribution: hkern 2012-08-10
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Views (File:
): 626
Deckungsgleiche Aufnahmen, orangebraune Kristalle, das UV-Bild (254nm) zeigt eine grüne Fluoreszenz von Sarkinit; BB = 4,4 mm. Fundort: Franklin Mine, Franklin, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA.
Copyright: Bebo; Contribution: Münchener Micromounter
Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter, Collection number: A016484, Donator: Manfred Seitz
Location: USA/New Jersey/Sussex Co./Franklin Mining District/Franklin/Franklin Mine
Mineral: Sarkinite
Image: 1401289442
Rating: 8 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Sarkinit (SNr: A016484)

Deckungsgleiche Aufnahmen, orangebraune Kristalle, das UV-Bild (254nm) zeigt eine grüne Fluoreszenz von Sarkinit; BB = 4,4 mm. Fundort: Franklin Mine, Franklin, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co....

Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter
Copyright: Bebo
Contribution: Münchener Micromounter 2014-05-28
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Minerals (Count: 241)

Rocks (Count: 9)

Reference- and Source indication, Literature


  • Berthier (1819). Franklinit. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Penfield, Warren (1899). Leukophönicit. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Palache, Schaller (1913). Hodgkinsonit. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Ford, Bradley (1916). Margarosanit. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Palache (1921). Holdenit. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Gage, Larsen, Vassar (1925). Schallerit. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Bauer, Berman (1929). Loseyit. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Berman, Gonyer (1937). Roweit. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Holdenit. Amer. Miner. 34 (1949), 589.
  • Pfeifer, W. (1951). Die Franklin-Zinkgruben und ihre Mineralien. Aufschluss, Jg.2, Nr.9, S.134-36.
  • Moore, Ribbe (1965). Esperit. Amer. Min. 50, 1170. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Bricker (1965). Feitknechtit. Amer. Min. 50, 1296. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Frondel, Ito (1966). Hendricksit. Amer. Min. 51, 1107. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Smith, Frondel (1968). Bannisterit. Miner. Mag. 36, 893. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Cook, D.K. (1973). Recent Work on the Minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill, New Jersey. Min. Rec., Vol.4, H.2, S.62-66.
  • Neubauer, D. & Skov, E.R. (1975). Paterson und Franklin, N.J., USA - Zwei berühmte Mineralfundorte heute. Aufschluss, Jg.26, Nr.3, S.147.
  • Holdenit. Amer. Miner. 62 (1977), 513.
  • Dunn, P.J. (1979). Contributions to the Mineralogy of Franklin and Sterling Hill, New Jersey. Min. Rec., Vol.10, H.3, S.160-65.
  • Kozykowski, B.T. (1982). An Introduction to the Franklin and Sterling Hill, New Jersey, Mineral Deposits. Rocks & Min., Vol.57, H.5, S.188-89.
  • Jones, Jr., R.W. (1982). Franklin, Fluorescent Mineral Capital of the World. Rocks & Min., Vol.57, H.5, S.190-94.
  • Bostwick, R.C. (1982). A Brief Review of Mineral Fluorescence at Franklin and Sterling Hill. Rocks & Min., Vol.57, H.5, S.196-201.
  • Baum, J.L. (1982). Mineral Species - Reported from the Franklin-Sterling Hill, New Jersey, Area. Rocks & Min., Vol.57, H.5, S.202-03.
  • Kraissl, A.L. (1982). Micromounts from the Franklin-Sterling Hill Area. Rocks & Min., Vol.57, H.5, S.207.
  • Cianciulli, J. (1982). Mineral Species First Described from Franklin and Sterling Hill, New Jersey. Rocks & Min., Vol.57, H.5, S.208-17.
  • Dunn, P.J. & Cianciulli, J. (1984). Neue Minerale von Franklin und Sterling Hill, New Jersey, USA. Aufschluss, Jg.35, Nr.3, S.77-91.
  • Hochleitner, R. (1984). Franklin / New Jersey - die Weltfundstelle für UV-Mineralien.
  • Dunn, P.J., Peacor, D.R. & Simmons,W.B. (1984). Lennilenapeite, the Mg-analogue of stilpnomelane, and chemical data on other stilpnomelane species from Franklin, New Jersey. Can. Min., Vol.22, S.259-63. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Fehr, T. (1985). Neue Mineralien: Lennilenapeit. Lapis, Jg.10, Nr.3, S.24-25+32-36.
  • Robbins, M. (1985). Fluorescent Forum - Franklin's Fluorescent Minerals Can They Be Found Elsewhere? Rocks & Min., Vol.60, H.5, S.235-44.
  • Dunn, P.J., Petersen, E.U. & Peacor, D.R. (1985). Turneaureite, a new member of the apatite group from Franklin, New Jersey, Balmat, New York and Langban, Sweden. Can. Min., Vol.23, S.251-54. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Bostwick, R.C. (1988). What's New in Minerals? - Displays at the 1987 Franklin-Sterling Mineral Exhibit. Min. Rec., Vol.19, H.4, S.273-75.
  • Yeates, H. (1991). The Lead Silicate Minerals of Franklin, New Jersey: An SEM Survey. Min. Rec., Vol.22, H.4, S.273-78.
  • Anthony et al. (1995). Holdenit. Handbook of Mineralogy, 2, 344. Lapis, Jg.9, Nr.11, S.18-19.
  • Bannisterit. Amer. Miner. 66 (1981), 1063 .
  • Bannisterit. N. Jb. Min., Abh. 164 (1992), 169 .
  • Bannisterit. Eur. J. Miner. 5 (1993), 181.
  • Oberti, R., Boiocchi, M., Hawthorne, F.C., Ciriotti, M.E., Revheim, O. and Bracco, R. (2017). Clino-suenoite, IMA 2016-111. CNMNC Newsl., No.36, S.408; Min.Mag., 81, 403-09.
  • Warren Miller: A Photographic Comparison of Margarosanite from Franklin, New Jersey, and the Långban and Jakobsberg Mining District in Sweden. Rocks & Minerals Volume 97, Nr. 1 (2022) S. 64-71.


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GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) cn_TES2yOEK0DpG0XwfmMQ
GUID (Global unique identifier) 11D37F72-B22D-4238-B40E-91B45F07E631
Database ID 5086